I deal in the Maya "bible" the Popol Vuh. and periodically I got south to the unknown Peruvian
caiman and its relationship to the stars.
One item fascinates me.
01: The fact that in Peru, Deneb is NOT the apex of the Summer Triangle. Vega is and became their Baby Llama
Does that mean that the furthermost southern stars go sky-wise, as the main northern stars which just shift their positions to become other constellations in the far south?
Your blue god[dess] was named Tlaltecuhtli but becomes"The Hand of God"in the constellation Compass abd [beecame the wounded wrist of the Greek goddess Aphrodite who bled----Iyi-Kor----with the translateion of "Slow burning ash."
02: It is the first confirmation of the god Tlaloc, who appears on the Great Sun Stone as
the Quiauhtonatiuh as el Sol del de la Lluvia del Fuego, or the Sun of Fire Rain. [the burning rain].
03: The strange description of the single eye of Seven Macaw of the Turquoise Teeth which had been removed by the comet called Hunaphu (the night version) Xbalengue (the day version) when the Twins as they played dentist and removed and replaced the tturquoise rteeth with white maize.
The Aphrodite story is that Zeus told her to remove herself from the battle of the Iliad.
because of her wrist wound that spewed ICHOR, an unknown word in Greek but an excellent
word in Turkish----IYI-KOR---- which translates as the "long-burning ash" [rain] found in the Popol Vuh.
03: As the fire rains of Tlaloc, finally doused by the Water Rain [Deluge] of Atonatiuh his wife, Chalchiuhtlicue She is of the Sol del Aqua, [the Sun of Water]. This affirms an idiomatic concept that a husband's burning ardor can be extinguished by the calming act of sex with his wife.
Now, this seems to be a round-about way to go, but most mythic stories have an eye or a hand involved in the burning of the earth; creating deserts along the path of the day-night comet. (day in the north and night in the south?)
As mentioned above, Deneb, shifted to Vega [and became the "Baby Llama"] but did it go farther south become the Compass constellation. And if so, is the Southern Cross, our Northern Cross whose apex is Deneb create the Southern Cross by the short yearly journey of the Sun between the Tropic of Cancer (North) to the Tropic of Cancer (South), a simplistic twist of only 47 degrees

One can see that the Milky Way might have been wrapped around ot Equator until the Event of the Sovereign Serpent's arrival in the Popol Vuh. It was then that the Twins had to "recover" the remains of their father, so he could be seen in the sky as Deneb at the apex of the Milky Way.
Vega is visually near the Ring Nebula which became the Tree (Via Lacta) of the beautiful Rose in Aztec myth. the other Tree became the Tree of the Warrior (Orion)
Al because of the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn which is the current track of our Sun. [Or do we call that an orbit of the earth?
The jpg shows what happened to the Milky Way that was once wrapped around our equator and now makes the seasons of the world, opposite in the northern hemisphere vs the southern hemisphere. Can a sky cube bring the northern stars into the location of the Southern constellations; mostly because the stars that create the constellations are parsecs apart ???