Conflicting Essays in scholarship which have been the most engaging research job I have ever done. I have also added, over the years, queries about our "dated" geology with their "computerized" confirmations together with climate changes denied since 1963. The Ten-O'clock News have been telling us to change our clocks for DSL and back again BUT no one as noticed it has been changed, more than a few years ago, from March 31 and October 31, to a week or so earlier or even a week or so later.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Glass in Incan Lands

Incan Glass Stonework

On May 12 2017, I was browsing the web and found this article on WordPress. “Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru. by Jan Peter de Jong & Christopher Jordan The language of the article is very professional and has words I never read before.

“Vitrified stones are simply stones that have been melted to a point where they form a glass or glaze. There is much debate in archaeological circles over the ancient examples under study for two reasons. Firstly, few cases are known to have been tested and even if they have, there are many questions over how they were made.

Glassy rocks form naturally under conditions of high temperature and pressures found in and around volcanoes. Glass or glazes are traditionally created using a furnace. Furnace or kiln examples are found on everyday objects such as glassware and ceramics. The ceramics glazes are created by pasting certain finely crushed stones, sometimes with tinctures, onto fired pots and plates. The whole is then fired to temperatures usually in excess of 1000 degrees centigrade".

Glass erratic facings on stone walls and buildings in Peru are considered to be impossibly accomplished by normal means. The heat level needed is quoted as being 1000 degrees centigrade, which is even higher than our Fahrenheit degrees. It is more likely to be Kelvin degrees in our vernacular.

Kelvin has been assumed only to melt steel, but it can also create a shiny glass-like glass on decorative bricks. So if it is possible with bricks, why are the stones of Peru so strange? The reason is that many of the stones were used in situ. . . . a wall was "sort of carved out" of a boulder  so that  the
boulder appeared to have been set in place in such a way a knife blade no matter how fine could not be placed between the stones of the wall,

As usual, mythic animals and miraculous events are very seldom considered when geology or geography dissertations are presented.  As a professor told me in no uncertain terms "If you do not write it the way I want it, you will get an "F" as a grade." Of course, it took about 35 more years more to get to that point. And I was not and am not unhappy with the results.

The myth that came to mind  when I read the paper was one that I had researched a long time ago. Before I knew very much.  I was coming to terms with the Hawaiian myth of the Kelvin heated stones falling from the sky into the Pacific Ocean.  When they reached the water, they bounced in and out of the water, like hot grease bounces out of the frying pan when bacon is being cooked. Hot grease will burn the cook; the wall behind the stove; the floor and any other place it can reach as it bounces.

The best mythic description of such a fall-out into the ocean can be found in Melville, L. called The Children of the Rainbow. It was reported the natives saw this event from canoes and out-riggers. But, it is highly unlikely. Such a fall-out, one that violent, would have created a huge tsunami putting even the stable out-riggers in grave danger.

I tried to imagine what would happen if, as the fragments flew so fast, would it meet the curvature of the earth in transit. About that time, an article about such a spin appeared in Sky  & Telescope magazine  about strange grooves in the earth on the pampas of Argentina.

The  grooves as seen from the air, appeared to be done by a child "skipping stones over  "water," [of a creek]. there were gouges side-by-side all pointing southwest instead of northeast as normal comets do.

It was similar to the one that fell into Lake Texcoco from the Caribbean Sea and bounced backwardsinto the lake. It became known as Huitzilipochtl. The moment he was born, he fought Coyolxauhque, his sister and brothers the stars to keep them from killing Coatlique their mother. Huitzilipochtl, born in the Hill of the Serpents competed with Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl for the important actions each had taken.

Quetzalcoatl was a major contender because he had become a destroyer of the land. Huitzilopochtli carried them away from the Seven Caves where he had protected them into a land mostly of safety, water and finally prosperity. So the emperors honored Huitzilipochtli by wearing his colors and his symbols during their coronation ceremonies. Joyce Marcus gave complete reference in her book about the Maya Script and culture.

The largest chunks sped to the southwestern Argentinian Pampas, “skipping over the earth  "like pebbles skipping in a pond" [westward due to the curvature and the altered spin of earth, south of the equator.]” The smaller ones flew into the North Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, to the mainland of Mexico.

An unknown quantity of those blazing fragments that fell into the Atlantic Ocean would have quickly exploded out of the waters of the Atlantic Deep. The smaller broken pieces because of less weight would have sped faster and farther than expected. They would have followed the curvature of the earth with some strange backward results.

Peru recorded such a drop. Only this one also passed westward through the mountain of Pachatusan in the Andes, then dropped into Lake Quibipay. It was thought a fiery monster had come through the mountain pass. This beast, who took this back road to Peru, was described as:

“a half a league long and thick, and two and a half fathoms in width and came by Yuncaypampa and Cinca, and from there it entered the Lake [of] Quibipay. Then two sacacas of fire came out of Asoncata; [one] came out of Asoncata, and [one] passed Pontina [mountain] of Arequipa, and yet another came down to and passing Guamanca”—-where animals with ears and fangs and whiskers, and with wings, spines like a fish, and ears, and tails and four feet on top of their backs; many appeared to them [to be] all fire.”

Now if the above fireball came through the mountain pass and dropped into Lake Quibipay, would that not be hot enough  [Kelvin degrees over 1000 degrees]: The stellar heat of these fragments was a thousand times hotter (as Kelvin) than the ocean temperature (as Fahrenheit or Celsius). As the waters boiled and erupted, meteorite fragments shattered and flew over a large area, (just as hot grease in a frying pan).

The largest chunks sped to the southwestern Argentinian Pampas, “skipping over the earth  "like pebbles skipping in a pond" [westward due to the curvature and the altered spin of earth, south of the equator.]” The smaller ones flew into the North Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, to the mainland of Mexico.
Peru also recorded such a drop. Only this one "passed westward through the mountain pass of Pachatusan in the Andes, then dropped into Lake Quibipay." It was thought a fiery monster had come through the mountain pass. This beast was never a dragon or a beast of the mountains. It was the hottest fireball ever seen so low on the horizon. Would such a fiery ball be able to scorch and melt into glassy surface so many sundry stones and walls along the way?

Cobo, Bernabé Rek= (1611-1639) [d 1657] Relacion of the Discovery and the Conquest of the Kingdoms of Peru.

de JongJan Peter  & Jordan Christopher, (2017) “Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru." In WordPress of the World Wide Web, [May]

Leinani Melville, (1969) The Children of the Rainbow. [A book about Hawaii and its origins.]

Marcus, Joyce. (1992). Mesoamerican Writing Systems: Propaganda, Myth, and History in Four Ancient Civilizations.  First Edition, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Schultz,  P. H. (1992) Teardrops on the Pampas.  Sky  & Telescope.  April.