Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 11:17:58 -0500
Subject: Found Pacal - as ridiculed, and insulted
the word in Nahuatl is Papac[a] = to ridicule, insult someone, baldonar una mujer o otra.
Patilia = to change or misdirect someone.
Pahtilia = to cure someone
Patlanaltilo = to make someone fly (volar) (this refers to the Maya kites of 20 ribs also found with the Maori i New Zealand. (used to impress natives after landing after a big storm that almost wrecked their ship that held with 80 families.)
Huapaltlapacaloni = a wooden trough. (for water demanded by Pacal to wash wounds possibly)
The book is by Frances Kartunen. a woman. (1983) An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl.
It took me three days to go through the book page by page,.
A lot of words with PAN and PAH near the end of words referred to medicines and to herbs
used as medicines. Pacal, who could not be a ruler because he had no family in Palenque, had a son who was a ruler after him.