Conflicting Essays in scholarship which have been the most engaging research job I have ever done. I have also added, over the years, queries about our "dated" geology with their "computerized" confirmations together with climate changes denied since 1963. The Ten-O'clock News have been telling us to change our clocks for DSL and back again BUT no one as noticed it has been changed, more than a few years ago, from March 31 and October 31, to a week or so earlier or even a week or so later.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

How the Moon Split, within 20 Days

Note: "Muhammad splits the moon,"
was an illustration of a Falnameh,
a Persian book of prophecies.

Maya Glyph for 20 days month
In the Ríos Codex, there are four pictures of the different ages of the Sun. All show stones falling from the sky. The last version shows a flowering mountain with fruit on it. Without a doubt, we can also call this Persian mountain "Flower/Fruit." 

Here is a Persian manuscript illumination which refers to a split moon, a white, [lighter colored] mountain (in the background) and a mountain covered with flowers and fruit. A strange root radish-type “fruit” at the end of a beard pointing upward. A weird gash in the earth; a man who is half hidden in it. It is reminiscent of a tearing of the earth by a fallen meteorite. It is a prophetic statement as all true instances of this event has been recorded. It had to be a prophecy; if not, it would have been destroyed. Governments are like that.

It appears that the Persians are making their own visual statement about the Flower/Fruit Mountain. A meteorite (stone egg) had fallen into the sea; not from the moon. It separated the Flower mountain from the White Mountain. 

A geological "sheer thrust," in the land passed through the Puerto Rican Trench in the Atlantic Ocean through Mexico's Popocatepetl and Ixtacuihuatl as far as the San Andreas Fault in Baja California. [Raicz, Erwin (1968) Landforms of Mexico]. 

 An Aztec/Mixtec Moon Glyph with a cord around the head meaning 20, thought to be a “tied” [completed] month of 20 days. The event was seen! But, by whom? Was it the Aztecs who saw it and recorded it for their university astronomy lessons or were they in Nasca, Peru, learning to triangulate the stars? 

Where was the Sun Wu Kong (the Monkey King) of China at the time? His name means "dog-of-the-old-moon." The Aztec Xolotl was the dog version of Quetzalcoatl who fell from the heavens and saved the sun from death. 

 Olivia Vlahos in her book, Far-Eastern Beginnings claimed that documents of the T'ang Dynasty (618-907) described the blue-eyed, blond Wu-sun, the Ting-ling and the Yueh-chih tribes [yueh = moon] which probably included people with Western faces. The Ting-Ling and the Wu-sun inhabited lands around Lake Baikal and the Altai Mountains. She stated that the Yueh-Chih lived farther to the west. (p. 86) She also stated that the T¹ang described the Kirghiz as tall, red of face and of hair, green of eye.(p. 128) 

The presence of the tall Jaina hats and Caucasian features of the tombs of Xinjiang, in the burial sites on the edge of western Gobi desert and in the island of Jaina, off the coast of Mexico, may connect the two lands historically. Near the city of Belize located in the Yucatan peninsula, there is a point of land called the Moho Cay. Then a connection might be made with the recorded event in the Moho Tarot-type manuscript; a short version of to passed he Monkey King's journey westward. 

Is there another connection with the Jaina tall hats? The Monkey King did expel turds in the sky and the Aztecs believed the excrement of the gods was gold and silver. H.m.m.m.m. 

As an aside, the Persians invented Chess; those in India believed an emperor was an expert at game of Go, according to Pizzaro’s account. The travelers w through India played a board game called Parcheesi. Similar to a game played by the Aztecs with time on their hands. 

 As it is, there is a lot of evidence for transoceanic travel, both east and west, but we seem to be searching for things that cannot exist, such as, clothing, food, fine slipware, pottery, and statues, however small. 

Except for the last two items, all will be eaten, deteriorate, be broken in a short span of time. The sea breezes create hunger and food in small boats which are not capable of sustaining more than a few people over a long journey. The salt spray will destroy in a very short time, even clothing packed carefully away in closed boxes. 

Men who traveled by these small boats would marry a native wherever area he stepped ashore. She would have none of the past. She would only choose to remember the present. The most viable element that was carried north, south, east and west from and throughout the Americas was knowledge and adept hands which could illustrate a concept. 

Original artwork would have been drawn on the seashore in the sands, on the mountains in the soil or on some form of cloth, paper or bark. All these original items would be lost over the centuries, in a very short span of time. Copyists in the area would insert their own version of the pictures. They would almost be the same, but not quite: a scroll here, a tassel there, a slanted eye or a strange hat. 

The script would change over the years from that of the original artist to that of the copyists. [See the tomb of Palenque and the Lady of China] When similar art forms are discovered, it is not easy to think of diffusion. After all, we would never take a small boat across the oceans, but, even today, there are people who do. Single navigators with a dream, or even families with a sturdy, albeit small boat. Modern boats are better equipped than the open boats used centuries ago. 

A journey can be made, but because of language differences, are quickly forgotten. Those who traveled in ancient times knew of these differences and used both physical entertainment (i.e.: acrobatics, dance, mime, puppetry) and the paintbrush as their vehicles for understanding. For their personal safety, they used "magic" which was no more blazing star than a primitive form of the very technology we use today.

Did the moon split off from the earth? Most assuredly so.

[Oops, Apollianius saw the great star as it blazed in the sky brighter than an ordinary moon when our real Moon was taking a siesta as the New Moon before it emerged as a proper crescent ready to take on the world as its nighttime light for lovers and thieves again. Its debris fell to the earth, not from it.]

If one reads the Codices and reads Ferdowsi, one might find a story that is repeated in one of the Codex.Baranda. found in the Occidente de Oaxaca. Only a Persian could have told the story so completely.

Friday, January 6, 2017

The Lady of China vs Palenque's Pacal

        The Lady of China  and the Palenque Tomb of Pacal has been believed to have been Independent Invention. However, Independent invention does not explain why the grave banner of the Lady of Changsha has ALL the components of the two distinct version of the dragon and the Maya Jaguar/ Chinese Snow Leopards. It is more feasible to say that the presence of the Lady combined the two monuments of the tomb of Pacal.
     The strange part about this is that the Lady is purported to be a BC date and the other two are post AD dates.If the 242 BC is actually 884 AD. In this way, the Lady had time to cultivate a family, have blacked lungs from tobacco, and beautiful auburn hair from her parents. It also gave rise to the cross bow with a gun-trigger to release the bolt (arrow) from the weapon; circa IXth century AD when they were first known in warfare in Middle Eastern Europe, probably during the pre-Crusade era.

      [The elements that can be compared are noted below the banner and the carvings themselvea.]
The Lady fm Changsha, China   Pacal's Temple   over    Tomb of Pacal
Lady from Changsha, China 247 BC Dragon Bar ws/ Smoke     

Dragon Bar Comparables
Thje Dragon Bar for the Lady is First
the one for the Section 8 is below
[Center Jaws of the Dragon is below Pacal's rump.]

Other Comparisons

Tomb Comparisons.j

Seal Flower of Tomb  Same Element on Lady's Banner

Muan Bird Pacal        Bird over Lady from Changsha, China

Pacal on the. . .           Lady on the. . .

. . .dragon/in Temple    . ..Smoke Rod under the lady

Panther-clad men         Two snow Leopards

     Anthropologists and archaeologists today believe if they find 100 words in both languages from the intrusive migrants, then the case is solved as "diffusion." But if this does not occur, then the conclusion is 'Independent Invention." If there are migrants with a purpose who decided they were only going to stop for a short time, the language elements left behind are usually "magic" tricks or primitive inventions. If the Mesoamericans were not magicians (the Huastecs were Magicians.] or knew nothing about primitive inventions, then there is no proof of the magic nor of any 100 word vocabulary.

     So what is left, is the reader themselves must decide if it is "diffusion" or is it only "Independent invention?  However, other items can be compared such as the expertise of the Inca Emperor with Chess against Pizarro, the sites along the coastlines of 12th century sudden evacuations on the two continents, among other items of interest.