Conflicting Essays in scholarship which have been the most engaging research job I have ever done. I have also added, over the years, queries about our "dated" geology with their "computerized" confirmations together with climate changes denied since 1963. The Ten-O'clock News have been telling us to change our clocks for DSL and back again BUT no one as noticed it has been changed, more than a few years ago, from March 31 and October 31, to a week or so earlier or even a week or so later.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

How many people know of a city called Chetumal, (spelled Setumal) en el estado de Quintana Roo, Mexico?  Would it surprise you if it was located, instead, near a major port where large ships were built: from 6 to 800 tons each?  This l came from a letter to the King of Portugal from Lisbon, dated  September 26, 1502.and the postscript claimed it was under the auspices of a treaty of peace between the King of Portugal and the King of Calichut. [sic] (Chapter cxxvi; pages 166-67-68).

An island with sandbar was a port of one island with a fortress on the river Cuchin near the mouth of the Red Sea. There was a   massacre there by the ruler of Cuchin [sic] against Calichut [sic] where Arreschorva was killed and many men died.The king of Portugal was to send his navy to Calichut [sic] within 26 years.[p. 166]

[An awkward translation from a manuscript called: Rodeur, (Montabaddo) (1917) Follows the New World. Reprint of 1517 manuscript.]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The most interesting part of that crude translation was that there were Portuguese ships going from place to place, in the vicinity of the coast of Belize. And many more men and ships than was reported for the Columbus fleet of the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Columbus seems to have gone to the Lake now called Lake Isabella in Guatemala. The Admiral is the only one who could have named that lake on his first journey. Just like he may have named Port Isabella in Texas on the Gulf of Mexico.

Farfetched, I am just reading and translating (albeit crudely)  what is in the above mentioned 1917 manuscript copy of a book.  A book that Samuel Morison mentioned in his Southern Voyages tome, as being. . . . not of the four voyages of Vespucci, . . . . . but the SEVEN voyages of the Vespucci.

Oh, I think I should mention that between Portugal and Spain, there was a 38-year difference. It seems the Church decided that the Caesarian calendar in Spain was bad for the country and changed their year to the Christian year. . . . . 38-years in advance. So Columbus and Portugal sailed together at the same time.

 It seems this is what the Distance numbers are doing to the Maya Calendar system. The original date is in glyphs for the church version while the Distance number is the same date were written according to Maya older dating systems. Sylvanus Morley, in his third edition of the "Ancient Maya" on pages229-230. The MAYA priests did it differently:

"Let us permit our calendar year to gain on the true year as fast as it will. We will allow our calendar to function without change, but when we erect a monument, we will engrave upon it, in addition to the official calendar date of its dedication, a calendar correction for that particular date. In this way, no matter what month our calendar may register, we shall always know, whenever we erect a monument, the position of its corresponding date in the true year"

 I wonder how true or false it is? Or how wrong I might be in translating such a tome?

Merida, a City and the TImes of Yore: Revised

Merida, a City Connected with My Own Personal Karma Experience
In Other Words, It Could Never Have Happened in a Million Years.
But It DID

Many years back in 1956 or so, I met my second husband. A man who spoke 7 seven
languages; was an accomplished pianist; a police translator and the ex-Vice Consul
of Mexico. Before he migrated to Miami, he had also been part of the Police department
of Mexico City and worked with and took charge of the President of the United States:
Franklin D. Roosevelt, when during his term fie visited Mexico.

A great background for him and a great “catch for me,”  My father approved of him wholeheartedly. After five children, it seemed a good thing. A friend he acquired named Sam had a wife in the hospital in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. And my husband volunteered to fetch her.  When my hubby was gone, Sam took me and my children to lunch. My children were great. In the restaurant, they not only ate everything on their plates, they also took their dishes to the bus bin at the end of the table. Never saw Saw again or even his wife.

Hubby brought home a beautiful pair of earrings for his first (with me) child. She was about
five or six at the time. Merida, Mexico was forever forgotten until the 1980's, By then, I was
in Mexico, teaching English as a Second Language. One day, I went to visit one of my older
students at his home. His dearest relative was visiting him at the same time. The rest of his
family lived in Merida and after a short bath in the rill [tiny creek] that went behind the house,
and a long, long conversation about Maya and what I was interested in, we parted company
amicably.  About Christmas, I was offered a job in una tienda in Merida., but since I had no
work papers . . . the pink card. . . . I could not accept the offer.  

Again, years later, in the 1990’s I found a great teacher from Merida while I was in Austin.  
That was strange. .. . . . . every important step of my path to he Maya customs and language,
led me to Merida.  Then came the time the 2012 comet was supposed to fly-by Chichen Itza,
near Merida. Except that it did not reach Chichen at all due to the suns path between the
Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. it came by Oregon, Washington and Southern
Canada in the year 2008   just like any ordinary eclipse of the sun or the moon.
Our Old 23.5 degrees Spin of the Earth in its Orbit
As of December 21, 2017 we are now at 23.4 Degrees.

Children ran to their parents at 5 am saying they thought that T-Rex had walked by. Parents thought the light meant they had overslept. The comet which had passed the Ring Nebula two years 
previous, passed merrily on its way. No more was ever heard about the comet of 2008.

The Ring Nebula seemed to have exploded and had become a nebula called the Tree of the Beautiful
Rose when the comet passed that star that became a Nebula and picked up all the debris from that
star making the Sovereign Serpent more spectacular as his first visit to earth. All the metals and
fireballs met the comet head-on and created the most spectacular serpent in the sky. Orion became
the Tree of the Warrior when the comet dropped some of that debris. It was at the time the sky was
in a turmoil.

There are building with three points of sighting the present sun: during recurring Spring Equinox,
the Fall Equinox and the  Winter Solstice. Each had its own celebration.    
There are also similar buildings that tell us that they used to do the same sightings but no longer
are usable to mark the passages of the sun. That should tell us, that there had been a definite
change in the spin of the earth. . . . not the orbit,  which cannot be changed,. . . . . .but the spin
that lengthened the days and nights forever,  . . . . or a least until the next comet changes our
atmosphere and climate locations. Just like now we are having the very same problem with climate
change. And melting ice caps, north, and south. Has our north pole shifted again? Yes, but not very
much. It was 23.5 degrees spin but now it is 23.4 degrees to earth's spin. [ Vonasek, Janelle (2017,
Dec. 21) in the Grand Forks Herald] Does one/tenth of a degree change our climate. I don't know.

What I do know is: not only that the Solstices, Equinox, have changed their time from March 31 and
October 31. Both are at least a week earlier and later  No celebrations are created except at Christmas  
and at Easter. We now depend on the computer to tell us when each will occur. Many people do not
see the stars anymore. The 10 o’clock newscast is much more interesting.

Half-buried in texts with strange numbers attached to it, and ignored as serious data for
centuries is the 1500’s, Diego de Landa made his first suggestions to change
the Maya/Aztec calendar systems by adding 0-POPP, but it was not implemented until 1584 by
a Papal edict of Rome. EL Obispo de la Ciudad de Mexico, bowed out of his clerical prestigious position in the 1700’s, He mentioned another researcher from an earlier date, who thought the calendars were really so obtuse that no one could ever read them properly again.

It is true th e calendar can never really be straightened out, but before we close the books on the
calendar, one should at least learn what the Maya people said about their Calendar system. It seems
we are telling them what we know, but never seem to accept what they have known for centuries.

 It seems this is what the Distance numbers are doing to the Maya Calendar system. The original date is in glyphs for the church version while the Distance number is the same date were written according to Maya older dating systems. Sylvanus Morley, in his third edition of the "Ancient Maya" on pages 229-230. The Maya priests wrote their own solution. One thing that the Maya informant told him was:

"Let us permit our calendar year to gain on the true year as fast as it will. We will allow our calendar to function without change, but when we erect a monument, we will engrave upon it, in addition to the official calendar date of its dedication, a calendar correction for that particular date. In this way, no matter what month our calendar may register, we shall always know, whenever we erect a monument, the position of its corresponding date in the true year"

As for the Distance numbers, it did not surprise me at all. The Maya have just as much intelligence as
those educated in the modern world. It is a good thing to know.

* * * * * * * * * *

Once upon a time, many years ago, I found a National Geographic with an article about
Chaco Canyon and a book by Frank Waters (6th edition, 1972) who described the city of
150 rooms called Betatakin. The whole structure was built within a cave by the Fire Clan members  of the Hopi about 1242 AD and 1300 AD during the time of the Long Drought.

The Hopi did not use wheels. The climb up the single log ladders used to reach various
levels of the canyon wall, either from below to the caves or above them to the mesa's
flat area for farming. Baskets were balanced on their heads because there were times that going up a log ladder, hands were necessary to use.

The geological history noted the canyons found in the desert areas had been “carved from “sea water,” same as water-eroded pillars of rock in the North Atlantic Ocean; i.e.:yhe Natural Bridge in the desert of Arizona and another granite version in the North Atlantic Ocean.

The flat-topped mesas of the deserts with steep twisting eroded channels. Showed
great wave patterns as the waters rushed against them. Although many canyons were
along the Colorado River, there were many twisted areas around the mesa structures that were far from any river source. Yet, the logs necessary for construction of the tall apartment type homes and the prayer kivas situated within the large cave areas were never dragged across the land from Kisiwu Springs.

The village was thought to only be accessible through a sort-of tunnel which could never have been used to move the heavy roof timbers used for building the cave city.
Nor would they have been moved up the canyon wall beneath the cave. Block
and tackle would have been necessary for such an effort.

By the time, the Hopi decided to protect themselves, from unknown dangers using the
caves in the mesa areas it was said that the water around their bases was gone. The
mystery is how the logs arrived at their destination from such great distances both
horizontal and vertical. Maybe the water was there when the Cave Kivas were built.
And logs had been floated to the cave systems. All is unknown because of the following
information recorded by the Conquistadores:

History tells us that in February 1540 Francisco Vásquez de Coronado was the first white
man to find the mesa and their cave/community homes and kivas. With his
group, he brought 15 or more horses, together with burros burdened with their
European necessities and sheep for eating along with their ‘search for “gold.”
Construction continued for three hundred years, until about AD 1150, when the

area was abruptly abandoned.

The Conquistadores insisted that the Hopi, now slaves, had to move the great logs over 50 miles or more for the churches that had to be built for them. They complied by dragging them over the ground, but the natives revolted eventually and killed both soldiers and priests in four different areas of the Mesa villages.

Construction continued for three hundred years, until about AD 1150, when the area
was abruptly abandoned. It's not completely clear why the people left Chaco Canyon,
but the prolonged drought is one possible explanation.

It's not completely clear why the people left Chaco Canyon, but the prolonged drought was
one possible explanation. Because many areas along the west coast of the Americas
was abandoned in the XIIth century without any notice, it probably had the very same
cause. During that century, the end of the Crusades in the Middle East was gearing up
for a final battle or a treaty of some sort with Saladin, and the Prussian King Frederick.
Saladin’s colonies, wherever they were, were required to send a man for the amount
of money earned in the colony----when it reached a certain amount----the area was to
send one man for Saladin’s army.

Along the west coast of the Americas, there was placer mining for gold. The value far
over-valued even silks, sail cloths, leathers, swords, shield makers, etc. On the scale of
how much income was created, the larger colonies had no problem sending a few men,
but the smalller ones earning more income had to send all their eligible men.

In Aztec lands, the Elders rewrote the Hstories and the “Books of Destinos” before they
died off. Once the Elders no longer could farm the land with the women, each colony drifted apart over a year or two.  Were the Arabs in the area. Most certainly they were. But that is
a thread that has to be dropped at this point.

The conclusion that must be questioned seriously: are the dates set down by the
geologists before any valid modern mechanism was available. The Native records
have been ignored as myth and fairy tales.

So what is known is that a comet fell ages ago, had produced a flood which carried
the sea creatures over the tallest mountains in Mesoamerica. The Popol Vuh tells the
story pretty well, but the myth of the Twins, who were supposedly gods, not a twin
comet, one of the day and the other of the night, muddied the traditional histories.

A proof was covered up by Earthquake that destroyed homes, flattened the Maya
during the 1911 comet. The Iridium layer of ash that burned all things, both in Russa
and earlier in Mesoamerica have never been compared with the “native” stories of the
Maya nor of the Aztecs.  

This was a time when the “educated”----government or elites----of Mesoamerica had
been forwarned but felt their homes were safe enough since they were obviously building
with stones and mortar, instead of rushes and mud as the lower classes had been.

The lower classes took their animals and what they assumed would be enough food for
a short spell to the caves with the astronomers. The advice given by the star-gazers was
to seal up the entrances just in case there would be unexpected events that they could
not predict. They felt the events might be more serious than past comet activities.

What was recorded was Seven Macaw died by the Hands of the Twins [in a separate
story] when the Sovereign Serpent created the New World after his arrival, then he too
disappeared over the eastern horizon.

It is so easy to doubt “native” history. However, it has been proven that the
History Dancers of the Maya were accurate about the stars. It is worth the time
spent looking at their back racks and find out just what they represented.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Why Oceans and Mountains are Reclaiming Land

Let us start with Oceans:

           Put jetties out into the ocean to isolate private properties from other private properties and what does that do to the broad expanse of beach sand that was in front of those properties?

          Well, at first there is a slow coriolis force that finds the first jetty to be an obstruction. But as the tide passes down the coastline, the water begins to think for itself. It goes into the forbidden areas and as it goes out, it takes a little of the beach sand with it.

            When I was in Tapachula, Mexico, we went to the beach with a person who once had a house there. She was maybe 18 or twenty-four, it makes no difference. When she was a child, she told us, the beach was very wide and very far into the ocean. Then, the money men made two jetties of huge stones, much cheaper that steel piles. They acquired a floating sand digger and cut out a nice little cover for tour boat launches. Open stick and mud stores were set up on one side of the cove. A very modern toilet in a red brick building was for the tourists who would visit the stores.      

           The young woman pointed to a corner four bricks high and three or four bricks on either side. "That is all that is left of our house," she we walked along a very modern road with tall expressway lights until we saw a break in the road. The light poles were leaning and rusted, absolutely useless. Only one side of the road was useable. 

         On the ocean side someone had put more boulders in the water across the broken roadway. to stop further erosion. The store and restaurants along the cove were in good shape but half buried in the sand. The red brick house for the toilet ws gone, only the toilet itself was left, half buried in more sand. All because two jetties were placed into the sea. No one wants to remove them because it would be an useless expense without any profit.

           Two hotels where I once worked at on Miami Beach, the Fountainebleau and the Eden Roc are next to each other on the Miracle Mile extension northwards along the Intercoastal Waterway, a 3,000 mile waterway from Boston the the Gulf of Mexico, a favorite of yachts and sloops who prefer the protected inland waterway to that of the Ocean itself. And for good reason. The hotels along the way do not want their beaches trashed with oil and fuel, or things tossed casually overboard during parties on board the yachts. 

            When I worked at the Sea Isle, the Eden Roc and the Fontainebleau Hotels they were great places to work. A few years ago, long before thesee last horrible double hurricanes that hit Pueto Rico, Miami, and Miami, there was another 'cane that went by. The news that came out was that both hotels had flooding in the lobbies but did not say how; was it from the wind or was it from the surge after the winds? If they had jetties to protect their beaches from beachcombers, they would have been losing the sandy beach in front of the hotels.  

           Naturally. they were able to pay for sand replacement, so there never was a major problem except that one time, as far as I know. Miami is not doing to so well.  Street cafes and small restaurants along the Bayfront area are having to build seawalls on the sidewalks to protect their diners who wish to eat on the patios. Naturally, again, the sea walls are usually over the heads of those sitting at the outside tables. 

           Now we can say that the sea is getting higher, but in this instance, it is the acid waters that are attacking the underpinnings of the city of Miami, and all other cities on the peninsula. Great sinkholes grow suddenly out of nowhere, streets collapse, water mains break and there are multiple problems that are happening. All because of acid in the ocean which has killed acres of coral reef and in the rains falling on the ocean. probably filled with jet fuel ash as the shuttles are boosted into the stratosphere. But not to worry. It all is taking a long time for all of this to occur before anyone even became aware of it all. It will take a few more lifetimes for Florida to float away with the acid water  on the coral reef underpinning which created the state of Florida.

        Let us look at the mountains instead:  Nothing can move a mountain, except puny men. In Chinese school, there was a Chinaman who decided that a mountain was obstructing the sunlight from his home, especially in the winter when the weather was cold. People laughed when he mentioned he would correct the situation himself. He and his sons carried baskets of earth and stone, for a long, long time. People laughed even harder. Then one day, they saw no mountain top only a short plain a bit higher than their lands. Man's capacity to dream made it all possible.

        But there are mountains that tear up highways, and building slide down the hills along the foothills. Why were those things happening? And sudden fires that eat up houses; caused by the Santa Ana winds?

          People with lots of money can and do dig through mountains to make tunnels and roads around the sides of mountains.  Most of the time it is for reaching the other side of the mountain, but periodically, there are those who want the most beautiful drive along the shore. They will plan the best way to level the side of the cliffs both below near the water and up above on the cliffs. when clearing and leveling the land to be used for roads trees and brush have to be cleared out as well.

          The ocean roads are used to reach the beaches and to gawk at the sea mammals who live along the routes. A bad storm can destroy a part of the highway which is repaired as soon as possible. Things go well for years, until people who ride the upper roads on the cliffs. find pieces of land that can not only look over the road below but also can have a greater view of the sea. Sometimes, the piece of land is long enough, but seldom wide enough.

            Engineers are called in and they suggest a cantilever brace under a pool and garden area that will stand up for years.  Again, they have to clear out the brush and any trees in the area of construction. Such homes can be built for long-term residences, but Mother Earth has other ideas.  
           "Take away my ground cover, the roots of brush and trees that held the earth in place! We shall see about that!"  The next good rain over the top of the cliffs. and suddenly, the cantilevers start to loosen. The Engineers thought extra cement would help a lot, but instead the earth behind it failed to hold. Mud slides will carry a pool, garden, house and upper road down the cliff easily.

             A woodland cabin on a hill is not safe either when the lawn is laid with short roots. Trees that were on the land, had been used to build the cabin, but never replaced. Brush had been cleared because it was messy. Another rain storm, and the cabin slides down the hill like it is a sled on ice.

             One has to be very aware that the land must breathe, just like all life form must breathe.Do not even fool with Mother Nature. . .learn her ways and she will make sure you are safe but ignore the warnings she gives in advance and all can be lost.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Jasaw Chan K'awiil, "He Who Cleared the Sky."

Jasaw Chan K’awiil I, ‘He Who Cleared the Sky

At David Stuart’s suggestion, I decided to investigate Jasaw Chan K’awiil (tr: K’awiil  Cleared the Sky.) [Martin & Grube (2008, 52)]. Because “he had cleared the sky?” what happened before it was necessary to do so. David had his own focus for research:  4 Ahaw 8 Kumku with the 13.0,0,0,0 and the Year Bearers of the vertical Trecena calculated backwards in time.
My second question then was: When did the event before the “clearing of the sky” occur?
“When” calls forth a third question What actually happened to the land?.
It is very clear that the dates are skewed and have little relationship to other events of major importance in the world. The major fault I found was in Diego de Landa’s Calendar explanations.
In Landa’s 1566 manuscript, several statements are so confusing that it is impossible to tell which is related to what?
By the time Landa wrote calendar details, the 365.25-days were permanent and accepted as such.
“It took.....20 days x 18 + five days and six hours.  Out of these six hours they made a day every four years so that they had a 366 day-year every four years.  [Gates, 1864, 59, Dover edition 1979),
With these numbers:  20-18-5-6-4, the 365 day/year was defined correctly. Yet, why did they assume another characterization here? When I read 20 days times 18. The 5 days and 6 hours, in my mind, read the 20 day units times 18 = 360-days; then it switched over to 5 “weeks” and 6 “days” each week as the horizontal version of the Trecena. Both versions of the numbers read the same way i.e.: 30 x 12 = 360 day/year of the 52-week, as a 3 X 4-year sequence in the Trecena shorter vertical count.
[Since I had been going over the vertical and horizontal Trecena of the Madrid so often over the years, I began to think like the Maya who still like to duplicate their speech patterns.]
Thi strange part about de Landa’s manuscript of 1566, was when he added information about IMIX starting on July 16 (Julian Calendar) as the first day of the Maya New Year.  How come since It was instituted in 1583/4 by Rome when it was later decided [or did Landa suggest it??] for Rome to start 0-POPP as a new beginning. to creating the first month of the year as (Zero) POP using February 8, (the Gregorian  Calendar) for the first month in 1584. However, de Landa died in 1575. It was nine years later when Rome sent to mesoamerica almost all the Diego de Landa  information as a permanent change to their 360-day calendar system. Or did a new scribe insert the information into the Landa text?
POPP was then 0-POP as the first month of the 19 given for the year and One IMIX as July 16 (Julian Calendar) which was changed to July 26 of 1584 (Gregorian Calendar) as its first day of 1584 as IMIX.  (Gates, 1864, 68, Dover edition 1979)
Reviewing the Madrid serpent pages where IMIX was placed as the first day of the New Year, I discovered that the horizontal Trecena would not work with IMIX being the first day. If IK, in the next column was left as a Year-Bearer, IK completed all month sequences within a proper 52-week time frame but IMIX did not.
Landa decided to write the reason for the Year Bearers as:
Five Year Bearers X  five years for each 5-year unit of the vertical Trecena.
This would equal 25 years during each completed cycle of the Year Bearers. A footnote by Gates claimed it would throw the calendar completely out of order, which it does.   Before Landa first noted the Trecena as five weeks of four days during each week. Instead of using IK, MANIK, EB, CABAN, he started with KAN, MULUC, IX, CAUAC. (Gates, 1976, Dover edition, 60) He then proceeded to add the month names to the pseudo-calendar, beginning with the quasi-normal POP’ for July 16 connected to 12 KAN all the way to WAYEB July 11 which connected to Xma-Kaba Kin KAN cycle of the Maya with even more nonsense.
The list continued with
UO August 6-6 KAN; ZIP Aug. 21-13 KAN; SOTZ  September 14-7 KAN; TZEC October 4, 1 KAN; XUL October 24-8 KAN; YAXKIN November 13-2 KAN; MOL December 3-9 KAN; CH’ENDecenber 23-3 KAN; YAX January 12-10 KAN; SAC February 1-4 KAN; CEH February 21-11 KAN; MAC March 13-5 KAN; KANKIN April 2-12 KAN; MUAN April 22- 6 KAN; PAX May 12-13 KAN; KAYAB June 1-7 KAN; CUMHU June 21-1 KAN; to WAYEB July 11 as above. (Gates, 1976 Dover edition, 70 to 81)
Did it add up? Of course it did for a five-week; five day per week month units with a 1 to 13 count Trecena. [Note that KAN only counted as far as 13 while the months had 5-days in each week  5-week series, This as verified by Sylvanus Morely in his four edition of The Ancient Maya in 1983, 553.]  The 52-year cycle was created as a "vague year,” (1983, 554-5) It was created as a co-efficient of modern calculus and page 554 explains how the computation came into being.
At this point, there is no reason to even continue with a coefficient because the whole calculation is contrary to the natural cycle of earth’s orbit and spin.
Landa, before we forget his work, used an informant he had, who told him about the event that caused the trouble. It had occurred 300 years previous to their conversations. He also casually mentioned that the Maya count years in 20-year periods, or 13 X 20  ending in AHAU, but counting backwards on a wheel; even though the list only used KAN as its backward cycling name. (Gates, 1864, 81)
This should have equaled 260 years, [but it seemed better to count it as 26 years X 2.] Sylvanus Morley verified the 5-days X 5-weeks cycle in his fourth edition of The Ancient Maya. (Morley, 1983, 554-5)  
Even so, the Maya informed Morley the following about their on-going intentions for future calendars
Let us permit our calendar year to gain on the true year as fast as it will. We will allow our calendar to function without change, but when we erect upon it, in addition to the official calendar date of its dedication, a calendar correction for that particular date. In this way, no matter what month our calendar may register, we shall always know, whenever we erect a monument, the position of its corresponding date in the true year.”                 
                                                        [Morley, Third Edition: 1956, 229-230]
The statement, recorded by Morley seems to have been completely ignored. Instead it created a modern non-glyphic date on a completed monument. The so-called Distnance Number, then and now is a non-glyphic 365.25-days per year. In 1584 Rome-designated dates were to be placed after the glyphs of 360-days per year. It is not a coefficient because both are the exact same day. And it is not a Distance number because both dates are for the same day. i.e. as Julian vs. Gregorian date.
The 13 numbers were to walk vertically down against the 20-day names so none will forget to number the day names 1 to 13; then begin the 1-13 cycle again until 13 x 20  became an important 260-day cycle of good or bad fortune.
Landa gave you the process to use to verify his proposed (100% wrong) calendar. Read the “year-bearers” instead of the numbers “1 to 13.”  And when you know POP was sent to Mesoamerica as the first new month series of 18 names for the Roman year 1584. There is no backward trail to follow. The month of POP with all 18 other month names can only go forward from the time of the Conquest. Any previous date on the stelae would be counting backward by the old calendar 360-day years, but [not] adding or subtracting the “distance numbers“
So, in short, I have separated all the time-honored date making methods for Maya calendars: those Diego de Landa wanted you to find for yourselves. Now, let us return to Jasaw Chan K’awiil and find out why or when he “cleared the sky.”
The DATE of the EVENT
There is no way one can find the date of the event if it was never recorded.” you will say?  I would say: “If Simon Martin and Nikolai Grube could find it, so can you.” They called it: The Lost World. It is in their book, Chronicle of the Maya Kngs and Queens,
“Lying at the western edge of the city [Tikal], the Mundo Perdido (“Lost World”), was the largest ceremonial precinct of Preclassic Tikal. A large four-sided pyramid was aligned with an eastern platform topped by a row of three temples, a configuration known as an ‘E-Group.’ Some were aligned as solar observatories and used to chart solstices and equinoxes, though many were not oriented in this way and point to a different origin.”                                           (S . Martin and N. Grube, 2000, 28-9)
The phrase:  “Some were aligned as solar observatories and used to chart solstices and equinoxes, though many were not oriented in this way and point to a different origin”  So this would mean that all E-Group solar observatories are after the event, and those out of synch with the Sun were from pre-Classic times before the event.
Not knowing the locations of these strange pyramids, I can only say the different orientation would indicate the old loctation of North when earth had a 360-degree orbit when, during each 24-hours, the earth made a one degree spin.
The background for these strange differences also appear to be from a time when the​ ​"Tikal​ ​hiatus"​ ​came about between the ​late​ ​6th​ ​to​ ​late​ ​7th​ ​century when large monumental structures and public inscriptions were no longer being constructed.
Research groups searching the surrounding area for more information, found what they were looking for. In Tikal, the ruler, Dark Sun, noted a major battle to Calakmul with the help of Dos Pilas. He erected Stela 24 and Altar 7 with many glyphs, and although both were badly smashed, enough survived to have confirmed the final days of Tikal by end of the IXth century which although it is too late for this query, it does include the Paddler Twins on six Tikal bones carved about the event. David Stuart inferred it was honoring the time of Jasaw Chan K’awiil I. [Simon Martin and Nikolai Grube, (2000, 52-3 and 42-3)]
Each of the six bones of Tikal have a double inscription on it.  The one contains the glyph for the Planet Venus. And the other is supposed to contain Jasaw Chan K’awiil’s single name glyph. Neither the stela nor the wooden lintel gives any indication that Jasaw has his tongue extended. But the Lintel 2 and 3. do show a huge jaguar over his head in back of the throne. He was also known as Ruler A, Ah Cacao and Sky Rain.(2000, 45)
It seems he had his tomb in front of Temple I, rich with ceremonial goods, but no date for his royal death, probably the year before his son accession to the throne of Tikal, i.e 733.
If a tomb for Animal Skull was filled with ceremonial offerings before the Flood of mud came from the bottom of the sea, then Jasaw Chan K’awiil I [or II] aka Sky Rain it would have been that of Chalchiuhtlicue] which would have indeed  “cleared the sky,” probably of volcanic ash.
Jasaw Chan K’awiil would be the only human who dared to take the honor of “clearing the sky” for the Lady of the Cleansing Rains. His would have been the only body placed in the tomb of Animal Skull aka the Great Sun which was cooled by the same rains. The multiple layered cotton cloth saturated with red cinnabar which covered the body lying on a bench, indicated a highly honored personage but not the one for whom the tomb had been built. The original body was probably covered with the mud and disintegrated with the previous offerings, which in turn verified Jasaw Chan’s power and grandiose intention to  “overcome” the namesake of  “Great Sun.”
Using the upper data about the dates having been skewed even as early as Diego de Landa. One must be cautious until the actual count of 26 weeks for a haab [a true number] and 52 weeks for 52 years [the false number] are used to count the calendar dates.  **&**
The Madrid Codex used the Trecena to illustrate a work calendar and showed it does not have to be a full calendar.  It may only relate to the days that are necessary to accomplish the task of farming in the horizontal Trecena segment of four years of five weeks for every month [separated from days of reverence], not month names. By putting IMIX as the first day of the year, the year does complete 52 weeks, but not the 18 months.
There is a single week that needed to be filled in but when it is, the whole calendar is off balance. It does not transition to the following year correctly. The second year of the four must fall on MANIK, while the third would reach EB, and the last would start in CABAN. The 13th year bearer would start the second segment of four year bearers with IK; and later, the third segment would again begin with IK and all three would transition to the next cycle/segment easily after a complete 52-weeks.
On the other hand, the Borgia Codex managed to create the five day-weeks neatly into 8 half pages for a total of 260 days of a Trecena count for good or bad luck days for the newly born or those needing reassurance after experiencing difficulties at home or at work. The often overlooked border at the top and bottom of the 8 pages are ignored as decorative features.
However, those two borders add up to 104-days that when added to the 260 equal 364-days of a year, with a tiny footprint to tell the reader where a 365th-day [there are several] was waiting its turn to end a normal year of 52-weeks.
In order to arrive at a wrong date that can be corrected is to go back to Great Sun Hawk Skull also known as Mahk’ina Bird Skull or Feather Skull. (K’INICH [MUA’N] JOL). BIRD is an indication of a flying round object; which Feather is a specific AZTEC glyph for “FIRE.” He died 11 AHAW 13 POP, 23 May 733? and his earthly “ruler-son” was Jaguar Paw aka Yik’in Chan K’awiil [“he who darkened the sky”] ascended to the throne in 734. Hence, the date of the event could have been 733.
Another strange tomb was set up in front of Temple 34, Burial 10. It had been dug out of rock for Yax Nuun Aiin aka Curl Snout. who died about; June 17, 404?  Now, Curl Snout, as a birth name with no parents or wife or siblings, may indicate when the stars of the Sky Ball Game were eaten by him emerging from the burning ashes of a returning comet. The event was illustrated twice in the Nuttall, Lamina 18. Two more images of Curl Snout without the stars around the ball court are also shown in the Nuttall Codex.
Burial 10 was filled with ceremonial items before they were buried  by mud. After the mud was solid enough his son was able to attend to the rest of the burial details. And, after he paid his due respects to his sire, his accession to the throne was in 734.
All of the above were introduced as possible explanations for names of infants given at birth. The dates of the accomplishments could be wildly different than those used under the 1 to 13 numbers used for the days of the month, with no regard to the fact the number 13 was the roll-over number used for the first use of the number
One. I discovered names of rulers or family could be altered by a single vowel caused when, in a different time period, a different researcher would spelled a name with another vowel or consonant he thought could be a better pronunciation of the glyph.
Years ago, I compiled a list of parentage units that included ruler, with wife, sons; rulers without same but with mother or father and other connected relationships. At the end, I did a separate list of two pages of rulers who had no connections to parents, or wife or children. Most of whom had sky event names. Those who had parentage statements, also had sky event names, probably given to them at birth during or just after the event.

Only the bravest of the brave would consider his or her name was important enough to be quasi-godlike and place him or herself in a temple area as a living representative the god or goddess. Jasaw Chan K’awiil seems to have had such a purpose in his lifetime.