Friday, August 2, 2019

Tamoanchan: Paradise

The Aztec Paradise is believed to be illustrated at the Alteteco. One of the
Buildings at Teotihuacan.

Painted under the auspices of the Spider
Lady who is the emblem of Learning, who
also pours all knowledge from her fingers.

Somehow, all her knowledge was illustrated by multiple action figures that cover the broad expanse of the walls.  Up at the top is a history statement about Water Dog. (A...
... to be added later) who conquered the Ladder Escarpment  of Tepotzlan. 

The Ezcarpment was the watchtower
where any army could be see for miles
in any direction in plenty of time to call 
out the militia to the defenses of the mountain passes.

The plateau above the actual physical ladder was an entrance hole. It had been planned in such a way that the Watchers could pull up the ladder which created
A safe haven with e all the maize crops they could produce as farmers of their 
plateau milpas.

Of course, there had to be women to grind the maize every morning  so there would be enough tortillas and an olla or many ollas 
boiling hot for their daily meals.

The milpas on the plateau  had enough  la d to have at least three plots; one for planting and later harvesting; The second to.lay fallow  and the third to be burned  so that land could recreate the nutrients idea up by the harvested crops; maize, beans, tomatillas, tomatoes, and chili pods and Pepin seeds.

A real home for the shrp-eyed  watcher.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Aztec Calendar or The Maya Popol Vuh Story On Stone?

Aztec Calendar Stone
Maya Story of the Popol Vuh?
by D.M. Urquidi

I can just hear the reaction to that statement:
”. . .Or is it the Maya Popol Vuh Story on the Stone?”

“Utter Nonsense. The Aztecs are a tribe very
different from the Maya.”

Yet,. all the Codices of Mesoamerica, emphasis the comet and the great damage it did to, not only
to the land, but also to the people who had lived in small well-run communities.

There are not many codices that survived Diego de Landa’s book burnings in the Yucatan.
It is the oldest Summary of the Ramirez Codex which not only gav.e the coefficients of the
Aztec Calendar Stone: it also identified the two sections of the Milky Way in Note 21. The
author was J. Henry Phillips (1886).

He gave details about the origins of the first gods and how two of them helped the sun
to shine bright and clear in the sky. The sun had just been a pale
glimmer in heaven. After the sun became very bright, the coefficients were decided upon.
Note 21 gave the two new trees of the Milk Way their names: The first which contained the
Northern Cross and the RIng Nebula was called the Tree of The Beautiful Rose. The other
half near Orion and Ophiuchus was named the Tree of the Warrior.

The Borgia was obtained for the Borgia Pope in Rome, but almost burned by children who
visited him in the Vatican. The Borgia Pope died alone in his bed. The description of his
death indicated that he had been poisoned. The reason was hehad signed the lands of
gold {Peruand Mesoamerica) to Spain; only the jungles of Brazil and the Amazon River to
Portugal. Either someone was very angry with the decision or wanted to make sure the
decision was never to be changed.

The Borgia Codex contained the thirteen weeks of the Trecena but with the top and bottom
borders (If they are counted as our Saturday and Sundays) create 364 days for the year.
the 365th day was aided by little feet, that is seldom discussed in clases for those who
are only curious. Questions about the footsteps are just ignored as decorative elements
for the passages.of days. The rest of the Borgia shows the horrible pagan gods of the

However, the Borgia does include gods who guard four trees of the four quarters of  
the world, in spite of the fact that most codices only indicate a tree broken in half.
It must mean that the Borgia Codex was redesigned in Rome.

The Zouche-Nuttal is separated by red lines which cut off different phases of Mixtec
history on the western coast of Mesoamerica. The first part of the Creation story so
appearrs to have been done during post-conquest days; mostly because the first god
on the first page steps out of the waters before the dry earth was created included the
cog-wheel in a stylized version of those who created a cog-wheel for the twenty days of
the month and another for the Trecena count.

On the other hand, the Marid Codex was patched from two different segments. The first
was thought to have been the original Madrid and the second half, called the Troana,
was “maybe” part of the first at one time.  

This Codex seems to have the dates of the event within the Serpent  Calendar M-12 to M-18
as it occurred. The Troana segment gave the Maya details of the story as they were
described the Serpent calendar in two different books of the Popol Vuh,  And it continues
until the carvings of the Wooden Manikins. It begins with two glyphs (thought to be
two zeros) on the badly damaged M-112. All the human figures of the Troana walk
towards the previous pages.

The Serpents in the  Horizontal Trecena flip from facing left to facing right and back
again. there are also twisted locations for individual glyphs of the Serpent Calendar.
The Madrid, sems to have inserted the “Rocking back and forth of the earth” from
Roy’s “The Maya of the Chumayel” Or else he read the Hopi’s ninth prophecy with
the same implication; the Earth really, at some point in ancient history, actually
rocked on a day/night spin. Why? How? No one knows for  sure; except the
astronomers; who realized the year was longer by 5.25 Days or 1.015 hours per
its day/night spin, still while earth remained on its 360 orbit around the sun.

One must not forget Rome who decidedthat the Serpent Ccalendar had to begin
with One-IMIX, not One-IK in the yearv1584 for Mesoamericans. Recorded in the
“Book of the Year” by several different native historians. With One Imix,the Horizontal
trecenaa willnot mesh with the Vertical.Trecenta. One must use One IK as the starting
point. To ensure one does npt use ONE IMIX, there is a double KIMI at the 46 and 47th
columns. to warn you that it must be started with One IK

In short, this summary of missed details is contrary to what we all have learned in
classes about Mesoamerica. There is one detail, no one has ever noticed: INAH
stated in their explanation and short history of the stone in English and Spanish,
that the Aztec calendar was located in the southeast corner of the main Plaza in
Mexico City. I had presented the fact as true.

Later I reviewed the colored pictures I had used, and discovered that the researcher
noted “en 1790, elle fut deplacee portee a la Tour Occidentale…” Hey, Occidentale is
translated as WEST even though I left out the accent marks, it did not change the
translation from French to English and it was the “13a edition, [in] 1996.”  The writer
at least got the colors correct.

Even so, it indicates a secondary error; that of 1532  and 1538 maps of Lake Texcoco
which are both literally upside-down and flipped east to west. No one seems to want
to translate Italian found on the 1938 map either.  Nor are they able to identify the
headless statue with the sun behnd it, found in the main plaza.


The "Hand oif God" or The Blue God[dess] of the Moon

By D. M. Urquidi 2019

 NASA’s  “Hand of God” 
Greenwich Observatory 
             via Harvard University               

Astronomy is a fairly new discipline, although it had been studied by kingdoms, and official observatories for eons. The biggest telescopes have only been designed recently. Not until the epoch called the “Dark Ages” when the Inquisition of the Church decided astrologers and chemists were agents of the devil, did astronomy become an acceptable discipline.
 In 1516, Pope Paul VI decided all names for the stars and planets should be  replaced by Angels, Prophets, Apostles. The “Lady of the Blue Star” had to be replaced by Mary, the Mother of God whom he honored with the name  “The Immaculate Conception.”           
The problem encountered by the Pope was the fact that every religion in the world, no matter how primitive, or isolated they were, for example, Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Their main goddess was a blue star. This Blue Star entity was the Mother/ Creator of all children. (Melville) Yet, she was a virgin goddess. And the Blue Star [at first called an extra Bright Moon to be honored as sent by God] was her origin. (In  Apollona of Tyana).         

 When I went to Hawaii in 2003, the Conference I attended sponsored Luau. Several hula dancers performed at the end of the barbecue. The first dancer was dressed in a white sparkling top and skirt. A tall white feathered headdress firmly secured to her head. Her dance started normally, not too interesting since I could never do a hula.         

 After a short hula display, she began to sign water travel with her hands. Suddenly, the light over her headdress changed to a blue sheen and it remained there for the rest of the dance. I was in shock.        

  I had bought a book a long time ago, Leani Melville's called “The Children of the Rainbow.”  The Goddess of the Blue Star was called  URI. She was the goddess in the upper half of the Northern Cross, commonly known as Cygnus. When the missionaries came to the Islands, they changed three letters of the alphabet, T= K; W=V; R=L. They were positive that the natives were children of the Devil. ULI became an evil sorceress.      

 In the Greek Orthodox Church of Russia, the Black Virgin was the Mother of Christ. Many Russian male children are still called Yuri or Yori.  Was she re-painted in black robes so she would not be destroyed by church oppression?   

Later, in eighth century AD, Charles the Great was brought up witth the doctrines of the Byzantine Orthodox Church which was located all throughout Europe and the Islands of the North. When he became Emperor, one of the decisions he made was to change the name and language of his version of Church to the “Western Roman Empire.”            

 He ordered coins struck at Aix.where he built his new church he dedicated to the Virgin Mary, who garters were placed in a reliquary enshrined on the altar. Charles then ordered new coins inscribed with his new titles, “Carlos Imperator.” “Renovator of the Roman Empire” and “Christian Religion.”              

The image of Mary, the Blue Star of the Mar (sea [or the Blue sky]) was and still is strong in the Roman Church. Pope Paul VI decided that there was was enough of paganism in the Church; yet, he felt the Blue Star was too prominent in the minds of the people. In 1516, he had his priests collect information from all the religions of the world wherever there was a God, who had a ”virgin mother,” associated with a blue star.
Now, this Chart exists in a manuscript called “Virga Aurae.”  (Ts Copywrite version is available on the web.) The chart contains 72 religions. One does not attempt to destroy 72 religions. The Pope decided it was only necessary to create a more sacred version of the Virgin. Instead of fighting paganism, he decided to join them with a very important Papal Bull confirming the Virgin Mother of Christ was to be identified in the  church doctrine. She was herewith to bear the title of the ”Immaculate Conception.“

 In Mexico she stands on a black Crescent Moon. This indicates her volcanic origin; because the following monument has been renamed Coyolxauhqui/Tlaltecuhtli, it is quite possible this icon was not meant to be the Moon Reflected in the Lake called Texcoco. Another more recent study [infers] Coyolxauhqui may instead be, the goddess of the Milky Way.” [Miller, M. and Taube, K. (1993. 68)]   

The Moon Goddess Two goddesses have acquired a similar myth. First, Tlaltecuhtli, the male Earth lord was also a female goddess with the same name who was born in a burning tree.  (The Milky Way) She became the mythological Mixtec goddess painted blue, who was the source of heavenly power and approved for the dynasty of Apuala and Tilontango. [

Bodley Codex, Lamina 1-1] Her counterpart from the Aztec world named, Coyolxauhqui, had the same star myth as that of Tlaltecuhtli. The first pair were decapitated with one direct “shear thrust” between two volcanoes  Popocatepetl and Iztacihuatl, the white snow covered goddess.

 The latter is part of the Milky Way as the Summer Triangle whose main star; NASA’s “Hand of God” near Vega, is in a similar triangle constellation, called the Compass near Chile. It is the same constellation but due to the shifting view of northern stars seen below the Equator the name changed to Compass.  This iis a theory
 that coulld be tackled by an Atroomer who is interested in  the Mesoamerican  cultures.

In Peru our Summer Triangle has Vega as its apex instead of Deneb. (Baur & Dearborn 1995, 106) due to the 23.5 degree twisting spin which caused us to view the Mlky Way as a “broken tree.” in Mesoamerican mythology.

The “Hand of God“ is a Nebula, also called the Ring Nebula, seen as part of the Tree (Milky Way) of the Beautiful Rose (Phillips,1883, Note 21)

The exception was that Coyolxauhqui was not born in a burning tree. Instead she was the meteorite star-sister of Blue Hummingbird of the South, Huitzilopochtli. When she found her mother, Coatlicue, was pregnant as an earth goddess who had no husband, it was her sole desire to destroy her mother for her indiscretion. So Coyolxauhqui (shown above with a knife in her mouth) and her brothers, the Centzon Huitznahua [the stars of the Via Lacta: the Milky Way] attacked her mother.

Miller and Taube continued their narrative
“...Coyolxauhqui “might be the Moon Goddess was already an established conclusion in other publications (1978, XI, 96) in Newsweek.”

Nevertheless, both Coyolxauhqui and Tlaltecuhtli had a similar story. The Moon and Coatlicue, were joined into one disaster; but the other myth contained both Coyolxauhqui and Tlaltecuhtli booth of whom had been dismembered and thrown down to earth. Their bodies were not torn apart; instead fell as smaller meteorites to earth.
There was a clear distinction between Aztec Coatlicui, the center of the earth with Mitztl, the Aztec Moon goddess. The other two were the Mixtec Coyolxauhqui and the Aztec Tlaltecuhtli. The first pair were parted with one direct “shear thrust” that split the land from the Puerto Rican Trench all the way across Mexico through two previously mentioned volcanoes to Baja California.

The latter is part if the Milky Way as the Summer Triangle whose main star; NASA’s Hand of God near Vega, is in a similar triangle constellation, called the Compass near Chile.

I discovered, due to the shifting view of northern stars seen below the Equator. In Peru, our Summer Triangle has Vega as its apex instead of Deneb. (Baur & Dearborn 1995, 106) It is possible, therefore, that Coimpass may be the same constellation called the Summer Triangle found further Niorth in Mexico.
The second pair of moon goddesses were torn apart, head, torso, arms and legs; all pieces thrown down to earth, but only Coyolxauhqui had the Centzon Huitznahua come down to commiserate for her bad luck in the battle against her parent Coatlicue, who she had accused of illicit behavior.

Because of the disparity between the two pairs of goddesses, there is no doubt that Miztzli was, and is, the original name of the “forgotten” Moon.
B with Tears of Gold from the Eyes
Vaillant G, (1941,  pl. 56).]
    This image of an Olmec helmeted goddess with the same rounded dimensions, has three glyphs under each eye. The glyph to each eye have a “cross with four even arms and in each of four spaces there is a circle. The middle glyph is partially obscured, It may be seen clearer in the second [b] view of Metztli was the name identified by George Vaillant in 1941. Yet, this monumental head, created in the style of boulder-sized heads, wears the same type banded helmet as the Olmec heads without glyphs for identification.

The moon’s first view appears to be a museum copy [Fig: a]. On the other hand, Fig: b  has all the attributes of the Olmec boulder heads. Glyphs flowing with tears directly under her eyes appear to be the same as the single tear flowing from. However, a closer examination of Coyolxauhqui shows that the tears flow from the end of a rod, marked with squares as if to measure distance.

When the meteoritic stones plunged in the Atlantic Ocean, they created a “sheer thrust” across the Gulf of Mexico as far as the San Andreas fault line in the Gulf of Baja California.

As a result, the volcanic mountain range in central Mexico rose into the sky. In this way the body of the land south of the mountains was separated from Lake Texcoco contained within the caldera of the volcano Popocatepetl.

    Because of the extra height of the mountain range, the Full Moon would obliterate the stars reflected in the lake when it was in the sky. There the Moon would reflect itself in the waters of the whole lake.

Miztztli, after her body was removed from her head, the tears from her eyes were released into the Balsas River o the Pacific Ocean and through the Papaloapan River to the Atlantic Ocean. The view of the two ear plugs, end as a knife, while her slightly extended tongue clearly is another knife blade, just as Coatlicue who has one in her mouth. Both of these goddesses had their body removed by the barranca. However, the lower Balsas Valley did not get chopped into pieces.It was only a geological “sheer thrust,” a clean cut asm a barranca between the volcanoes.

Before 1941, Metztli, the Goddess, Keeper of the Moon, the night, and the farmers, was buried together with the Sun Stone at the southeast corner of the National Palace at the Parque Tezozomoc. Her name here in a schema by the reconstruction archaeologists in the Scientific American magazine, dated August, 1984 shows Coatlicue buried next to the stone of the Sun even though both the names: the Sun Stone and Metztli. as the moon, were used, and stated previously, by George Vailant in 1941. He did admit the Sun Stone, even with all the day names on it, constituted a useable calendar system. He was only recording what was on the stone.

By 1978, Metztli, the moon, postulated it was Coatlicue who was buried next to the Sun Stone. And again, in 1984,.she was again renamed as Coyolxauhqui, the sister of Huitzilopochtli even though her location was on the northeast corner in the Great Temple. (1984,85)

The name of Coatlicue got lost in the shuffle as the central iconic image on the Sun Stone. Even so, she was carved as a huge full figure female with two serpents facing each other as her head; which confirmed her origin with the Sun Stone., As its main central head with a knife in her mouth surrounded by the two serpents at the edge of the Sun Stone

The area below the volcanoes, the Balsas Valley, changed to a different temperature zone ranging from 12.5 to 28 Centigrade.It became the valley where “primavera nunca muere.” [Spring never dies.] The other river of tears of Miztzli, the moon goddess, where once men could also pan for gold, was the Papaloapan River which empties into the Gulf of Mexico.


Tlaltecuhtli is part of the Milky Way as the Summer Triangle whose main star; NASA’s “Hand of God” near Vega, in a similar triangle constellation, called the Compass near Chile due to the shifting view of northern stars seen below the Equator where in Peru, our Summer Triangle has Vega as its apex instead of Deneb  And because of our 23.5 degree spin, both north and south of the equator, one can discover changes in the direction of constelllations ommonly observed in the sky.


Friday, May 10, 2019

Is There a Climate Change in Texas?

I live in Austn Texas. Has anyone noticed the Climate Changes here?

Austin Texas in May has always been, not warm months, but instead, very warm months.
However, this past April was almost a dry month with very little rain, until the Middle orf May, when it
suddenly turned chily. even with a hot sun during the day. Horribly strong rain storms have attacked
our state for days at a time. bUT ALL DRING THE MONTH OF MAY,not April.
Has our climate changed tio northern April and May weather patterns? If so does anyone happen tio know where our North Pole is located?  The last I read about it, about two or three months aqo, was in a Science note that our North Pole had migrated to a new location over Russia.
Is there any further information about this?  Way backi in 2007 a curious reporter for the Tampa Tribune happened
to notice that the ends of there in and out runways at the airport had men painting azimuth degrees that were 10
degrees different from the original numbers that had been there. Has this happened again? Have the azimuth
degrees have been altered so the planes can find airport  arrival runways in different cities?
Is Texas the only state that has had changes of clkimae? Have northern weather patterns traveled south?
Or is this my oi=]imagination

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


By D, M, Urquidi

    I have never chosen to visualization of any glyph text in depth, but in this case the following information was submittd to the Internet by David Stuart:

In the correlation I’ve made the “three stone-binding glyph” (see: Quirigua      Stela C, A6) is a reference to the three “Nameless k’alaj tuun days,” they are the first three (nameless k’alaj tuun) days in the Maya Long Count calendar.
The “k’alaj may glyph” (see: the Tablet of the Cross, C3) is a reference to the five “nameless k’alaj may days”, to the last five “nameless k’ahlaj tuun days” of  the last 260-years before 4 Ajaw 8 Kumk’u.” (David Stuart, 2011)

    The number thirteen is extremely important to any calculation David computed regarding astronomy, His most prominent example is; 4 AHAU 8 KUMK’U for the beginning of a new era of 260 YEARS?
    The Number of DAYS is actually 270 for three seasons of 90 days each. The 260 is probably a medical number based upon a human pregnancy. The Maya use of the 26(0) is 26 weeks or half of 52 weeks in a year. The 260 has been calculated ever since Rome decided the Maya  had to be calculated with the European version of a calendar when the First Month of the Year was introduced to Mexico in 1584, as 0 POP.
In 1584, Rome identified  0 POP as the first month of the New (European-type) Mexican Year. inferred in the Madrid  Codex but not identified there as a year. [Its date was taken from July 26.] Then, also in the Madrid, in the SERPENT CALENDAR, 1-IMIX was placed as the First Day of the First Week of 52 Weeks which was taken from February 8th.  (Castillo-Torre, 1955, 193)
The Maya scribe for the Horizontal Trecena [here called the Serpent Calendar], then placed a very prominent caveat. Immediately after week 46, that began with KIMI [Death], another KIMI was placed after IK  in week 47, where MANIK would have gone.
The double caveat of KIMI is a specific warning that the Horizontal Trecena could not mesh with the Vertical version if the IMIX was used as the First day of the year, displayed here:
The Trecena

The Trecena with the Names
of the Year Bearers in Four Dialects.
Four Versions of the "Vertical Trecena"
ig., 01:  Vertical Trecena with a One at the beginning 
and another One at Thirteen!                                            
    Did anyone understand that there was a Vertical AND a Horizontal Trecena? Or that the 01 to 13 is and was never counted with the Day Names?
One to thirteen had its own purpose: that of an agricultural cyclical “loop;” as a control  in maintaining a fertile harvest in three different years for milpas. The first mipa was to be planted; the second was to be left dormant; while the third was to be burned in order to plant the corn the following year. In that sequence each milpa could guarantee an good harvest.
    Since few archaeologists study farming before going out into the field, few understand why such milpas had to be maintained. The  farmers had tio feed their families as they harvested their crops; then they had to make sure that their families could afford what they did not have time to create for themselves.
David Stuart made another  reading the dates:       
I disagree with the underlined text in Note II. Using the “three stone-binding glyph” as the “three nameless k’alaj  tuun days”, the “k’alaj may glyph” and the “stone-binding glyph” as the “nameless k’ahlaj tuun days” 260 Haab’ equals 93600 days + 1363 “nameless k’alaj tuun days” or 94963 days.
On page 221 of  THE ORDER OF DAYS (Stuart 2011) . . . . .
“Another. . .  . . is that the three stones of the Stela C text refer to . . . . . a geometric ideal that’s reflected in several different kinds of triadic arrangements and dimensions in Maya cosmology. As we’ve  seen, three part divisions of space are common in the Mesoamerican , most obviously in the fundamental division of the worl. . . .; . into sky, earth, and Underworld.“   
“I’m reminded also of the basic three part movement perceived in the coursing of celestial bodies across the sky, emerging from the east, running above the earth and noon and setting in the west, what K’ikché Maya of today call “the three sides, the three corners.”
“In other words, we need not link the hearth of Maya     Creation mythology to a specific constellation of stars..”

    Actually, there is a constellation that can be referred to as the THREE CORNERSTONES OF MAYA MYTHOLOGY: THE NORTHERN CROSS [also called Cygnus; and the SUMMER TRIANGLE.] The LAST NAME  is specifically A TRIANGLE. DENEB is the apex star in the Tree of the Beautiful Flower. Deneb is a nebula to the east of Vega another important star in the triangle, His designation is NCG7000. It also has the appearance of a skull with an open mouth. Deneb also is northwest of the star VEGA.

                               Four Versions of the "Vertical Trecena" Four Versions of the "Vertical Trecena"

fig:, 02: The Lord of the Underworld,
with the “venus:” glyph of two star forms

There are two stars dropping ot of the upside down ’venus’ glyph of Two Comets, Or two Spear Heads on One Shaft. The source of light will come from the great sun of the headdress of the Lord of the Dead  who is sounding the death bells that will announce death to all from the serpentine comets falling from the bells.

The other half of the Milky Way is called the Tree of the Warrior [Orion]. Not a problem since it is on the other side of the world.

“To me, the sense is more general and overarching, clarifying that on the day of Creation, the gods established a three part dimension to the universe, complementing .  . . . other numbers,. . . . .reflected in the structures of the cosmos.”
“Returning to the textual description of the episode, just what is meant by the “changing of the image” or “changing of the mask”? . . . . . Perhaps the word k’oj refers to masks, images, or faces that should be equated in some manner with the three sacred stones dedicated on that day by the gods. I suggest this as a possibility because we’ve known that three stone heads or masks along a celestial band comprise an important cosmological symbol for the Classic Maya, most often manifested as small portrait heads attached to “sky-belts” worn by Maya kings as . . . . .  for period-ending rituals. The ‘change of masks” . . . . refer to the idea of the cosmos getting a new identity of some type-a makeover of sorts-which in turn became symbolically reflected in the ritual dress of Maya kings, and especially in their cosmic belts

If the Cosmos acquired a new face or “mask,” the thing to do would hv been to look at the myths of a cosmic disturbance; not only at the Maya but also at the rest of Mesoamerica. A good place to start would have been with the Aztec Sun Stone., discovered buried in the Southeast corner of the Zocalo in 1790     during rthe repairs of the Main Plaza.

It is how to read the stone clearly as a Wind/Motion glyph using the Epochs of the Sun as its focal points. The disaster began with the Great Wind of Ehecatl confirmed in the Popol Vuh in that order; nott of the Ocelots, who left the caves when the men searched for food at home.

After the Great Wind came the7 Rain of Fire. which was quenched by the waters of Tlaloc’s wife, Chalchiuhtlicue. [This now relates to a wife who cools the ardor of a man.] After her flood, the caves were unsealed. The sun was still too bright to be out in the daylight, so the men would walk to their milpas in the cool of the evening to try to find their homes. When a man was alone, the hungry ocelots would attack. It was necessary for the men to travel in groups thereafter.

As for when the “sky changed its face;”  it was after the stone from the sky fell into the Caribbean Sea that the skies had been changed because the waters of the flood burst over the mountains. This had been an excellent reason to seal up the caves.

”On page 216-219 of  THE ORDER OF DAYS (Stuart 2011) . . . read:
“a. This  4 Ahau 8 Kumk’u date is explained . . . . in the inscription of a tall monument erected in . . . Quiriguá, Guatemala, known to archaeologists  as Stela C.”
“b. The left side begins with an Initial Series date, a Long Count, written as 4 Ahau 8 Kumk’u.
Even though there were NO month names until 1584, when Rome insisted that the Maya had to have months that were named properly”.

“A record of the events . . . . .(see page 218). In the first we find a small X-like element, which we know from Maya syntax represents the core or “root” of  a verb. There is some evidence, not completely secure as yet, that this X-sign reads jel , a word in Maya languages. . . . . . meaning “to switch” or “to change-over”.
‘What changed? . . . . . . . that the Quiriguá glyph is a shortened form of the word koj ba, perhaps pronounced and spelled sometimes as k’o-ba.  
“The best reading of this word, I believe, is based on the root k’oj, meaning “image, mask.” In Yucatec Mayan, the equivalent of k’ohbäil, “image, form, portrait, “ and in Ch’ol Mayan the equivalent is k’ohbäjil, with a somewhat related meaning of “head, face.” Both of these are in turn related to the widespread Mayan word k’oj, meaning “mask.” The idea . . . . . . . . . .centers on the key notion that one’s head or face is what conveys one’s image and identity. The larger glyphic phrase therefore may. . . .mean something like this:
“jehlaj k’oj baah, the face-image changed   
“Rather enigmatic. . . . . .  Next comes a glyph with the number three, but it’s not a date. It’s another sentence that reads:
“ux k’ahlaj tuun
Thrice are bound(?) the stones”
“This refers to an important ceremony of stone dedication,. . . . . during a period ending, when the.three . . . . . bound together as a mark of its competition. Here, three stones were similarly set together in primordial time.”

“QUIRIGUÁ Stela C (left side; the events)
1. jehlaj k'o'b' The hearth was changed
2. k'ahlaj ux tuun three stones were tied.

Of course, this would infer the Milky Way made its first appearance in the sky. and the Northern Cross (Cygnus) was clearly identifiable as the Summer Triangle.,

‘9. i uhtiiy k'al tuun naah itzam[naa]j:   
. . . . .. the Naah Itzamnaaj stone binding.
“10. ha' tz'am tuun: {or] . . . . the Water Throne Stone    
“Remark: according to me the Naah Itzamnaaj stone binding        refer. . . . .  to the third “nameless k’ahlaj tuun day”. It also refers to the connection between [from] the upperworld [to] and the underworld.

Obviously, when the stones fell from the sky [upper world] into the Caribbean Sea. [Lower world]

“After these three “nameless k’ahlaj tuun days”, “the birth [in this case], the (re-)creation  of the Maya calendar . . . .”

    This also follows the Popol Vuh, and the Aztec Sun Stone.
    The inference here is that the 260 days became the official count of the extra days instead of the correct 270-days for three seasons: Spring, Summer, and Autumn. Was it inferring that the caves remained closed for that length of time? Or in that a baby was born when the caves had been unsealed?

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Four Versions of a Vertical Trecena

Four Versions of the "Vertical Trecena"
If one looks at this chart and reads the names associated with the numbers, one to thirteen, one finds a similar name for the 13 and for the following 01. It does not matter what the language, nor where it is located Withot the words cionnected tto the number one CANNOT use the "Horizontal Trecena" which is found iu the Madrid Codrex as the Serpent Calendar,. to mesh into the "Vertical Trecena."
As it is, when using Rome's name for the FIRST DAY OIF THE MAYA YEAR; IMIX, as the first glyph indicates, is a deliberate error, inserted by Rome.

There is no way there is a giood match., The exception is that the scribe who drew out/ the Serpent Cakendar of the Madrid Codex inserted

a caveat in Columns 46 and 4?.


Chuen CIMI [should be MANIK]
If MANIK is used steadd of CIMI, and the last columns finished with the First column being placed into column 52; the Horizontal Trecena will slide Manik into secoind place as the Vertical Trecena continues=as a proper "loop" for three more agricultural years of nourishing the milpas in a proper sequence..

For those who do not know how to create the Horizotal Trecena, one must remember that each column only rotates with the four units found in the vertical version by itself . The last glyph moves always to the top witthin EACH cycle of twenty working days per week.


Four working days per week is the same concept we have of only working Monday through Friday with two days of rest.