Friday, August 2, 2019

Tamoanchan: Paradise

The Aztec Paradise is believed to be illustrated at the Alteteco. One of the
Buildings at Teotihuacan.

Painted under the auspices of the Spider
Lady who is the emblem of Learning, who
also pours all knowledge from her fingers.

Somehow, all her knowledge was illustrated by multiple action figures that cover the broad expanse of the walls.  Up at the top is a history statement about Water Dog. (A...
... to be added later) who conquered the Ladder Escarpment  of Tepotzlan. 

The Ezcarpment was the watchtower
where any army could be see for miles
in any direction in plenty of time to call 
out the militia to the defenses of the mountain passes.

The plateau above the actual physical ladder was an entrance hole. It had been planned in such a way that the Watchers could pull up the ladder which created
A safe haven with e all the maize crops they could produce as farmers of their 
plateau milpas.

Of course, there had to be women to grind the maize every morning  so there would be enough tortillas and an olla or many ollas 
boiling hot for their daily meals.

The milpas on the plateau  had enough  la d to have at least three plots; one for planting and later harvesting; The second to.lay fallow  and the third to be burned  so that land could recreate the nutrients idea up by the harvested crops; maize, beans, tomatillas, tomatoes, and chili pods and Pepin seeds.

A real home for the shrp-eyed  watcher.

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