Friday, August 4, 2017

Florida Sinking into the Swamp Part II

At the moment, this is all I have for pending disasters in Florida. You all probably already heard aboutt the two homes that sunk into the sink hole with a third home collapsing nearby. Fort Meyers, Florida had a similar a disaster near Lake Okeechobee.

The URL below is just another hurricane flooding of Flagler Street and the Biscayne Bay area. Something that neveer happened the 17 years that I lived in this city.

It does make for interesting reading. Acid water contamination of the Atlantic Ocean will eventually destroy all the coral rock under its surface that Florida has used for centuries as mainland soil.

Attached is an article that indicates that even Mar-a-Lago is also sinking into an eventual oblivian:

"The Fix Sinkhole forms in front of Mar-a-Lago; metaphors pour in
By Amy B Wang May 22, 2017 Email the author

View of Mar-a-Lago from the new beach club Trump built. (Mary Jordan/The Washington Post)
A large sinkhole has formed in front of Mar-a-Lago, the Palm Beach estate belonging to President Trump.

Town officials posted a run-of-the-mill advisory about the sinkhole Monday morning:

"A 4' x 4' sinkhole has formed on Southern Boulevard directly in front of Mar-a-Lago," the traffic alert read. "It appears to be in the vicinity of the newly installed water main. West Palm Beach Utilities distribution crews have secured the area and will most likely need to do some exploratory excavation today."

But where utility workers saw a repair project, the Internet saw a giant opening — for metaphors.

y Peter Stevenson

The swamp is draining? …"