Monday, March 30, 2015

Aztec Calendar Stone and its Times: Part One

The Aztec Cslendar Stone, [Cuauhxicalli] Eagle's Bowl weighs 25 tons and its diameter is 3.6 meters. It was discovered buried in the Southeast corner of the zocalo [main plaza of the city of Mexico] on December 17, 1760. Don Joaquin de Monaserrat, Marquis of Cruillas. was Viceroy of New Spain at that time.

Later it was taken to the Metropolitan Cathedral and placed o the West Tower until 1885 when President Genera Porfirio Diaz ordered its transfer to the National Museum of Archaeology and History. It had been carved  during the reign of the 4th Aztec Axayacatl and dedicated to the Sun God. It has both Myth and Astronomical characteristics.  [This information has been taken from a flyer done by INAH.]

Its most important features are the glyphs for the Four Ages of the Sun and the two serpents of fire---one of the night and the other, the day---that surround the stone at its outer edge.  Coatlicue, with her tongue as a  obsidian knife, and great claws, is its natural center. However, most of its historical information is contained in the research done  regarding the Four Ages of the Sun.

":  First Age was called the Sun of Oceletoatiuh.  It was the most remote of the four epochs in which giants lived on the mountains. They had no agriculture; they only ate wild fruits and roots and lived in the caves. Evenutally, the jaguars attacked and devoured them. This Aztec Epoch goes back to the Quaternary era, since bones of Pre-Deluvian animals were found buried in deep gullies below dense Lythospheric layers."  The years atributed to this age is 676 years. (For all Ages of Sun: Leon-Portilla, 1963, 38-39)

True, the animals found in the deep gullies were pre-Deluvian. The People who lived in the caves did have to eat wild fruit and roots, but that was because they were close to starvation themselves. Their food supply had run out before the Sun finished its journey of 676 days, which is more probable than 676 years. They would have died in the first year or two if they had to wait until the 676 years were over since no food was available outside of the caves for a long time after the flood.

What? After the flood? But that did not come until the fourth era. Does that mean that this first era was actually the fourth?  

"The Second Age was named Ehecatonatiuh [Sun of the Wind]. (364 years) When the winds subsided, all humanity---outside of the caves---were destroyed. Those in the caves were then thought to have survived because the gods turned them into apes. so they could cling better to the trees and not be carried away by the hurricanes. Yet, large forests had been razed by tornados." So it was unlikely that the people in the caves became monkeys.  Since the great winds came with the gods, but before the flood, it should be the First Age of the Sun, not the Second.

The Third Age of the Sun---that of Quiauhtonatiuh, the Sun of the Fire-Rains and Lava--(312 years) -then should be the Second Age. But it is here that I digress.

The Third Age of the Sun and the Fourth Age called Atonatiuh [Sun of Water] is the wife of Tlaloc, the god of the Fiery Rains. And being married, they must share the same house. Therefore, since the Fiery-Rains came after the great winds, and the flood quenched the burning rains [as was found in the Popol Vuh], this must not be a Fourth Era only a Third. and when the years of the two eras are added together, they equal 676, then it must be so. And the very First Era of the Sun becomes that Third Era and the Second becomes the First.

In other words:
            The First Era                    Ehecatonatiuh [Sun of the Wind]--676 yrs
            The Second Era               Quiauhtonatiuh, the Sun of the Fire-Rains/Lava--364 yrs
                                                              and Atonatiuh [Sun of Water] --312 yrs
            The Third Era                   Sun of Oceletoatiuh. The God of the Night Skies--676 yrs

When the God of the Fire-Rains began to drop burning resins, all the people and animals ran into the houses for protection. But when an earthquake knocked down the houses; the grinding stones fell from the shelves, together with the ollas and platos, supposedly attacking the humans. The roofs caught fire from the fiery rains. (Tedlock, D. 1996, 72)  The people ran for the caves on the side of the mountain. But the caves slammed shut in their faces. [Ibid, (1996, 73) It was then that the water came roarng in from the sea, and fell over all the land, all humanity who had not listened to the astronomers were lost.

So the rains of resin or of turpentine, fell from the sky in the first era. However,  the lava did not come until the stones fell from the sky and created earthquakes. So earthquakes had been left out of the tale completely. But not so in the Popol Vuh. Kab'racan was destroyed by Hunahpu and Xbalenque, the blazing two-entity comet that was illustrated on the wall-mural of Chichen Itza.

            The First Era                    Quiauhtonatiuh, the Sun of the Fire-Rains/Lava
            The Second Era               Ehecatonatiuh [Sun of the Wind] 
                                                       Sun of Oceletoatiuh. The od of the Night Skies    and 
            The Third Era                 Atonatiuh [Sun of Water] 

The Second version of the four suns might be a better explanation of the two serpents around the rim of the Sun Disk which were comets of fire; one that came during the night and the other that out-shone the sun, so that it was the Sun had set a mirror in the sky at noon and returned to the east. (Ibid, 161 and Note on page 304)

Within the "Secrets of the Aztec Sun Stone," more information about the last age Ocelotonatiuh which was considered to be the oldest and therefore the very first age of the sun. After the Russian 2013 comet, one finds  Ehecatonatiuh actually is the forerunner of any comet's arrival.

So, it should be “The First [Second] Epoch or age of the sun. The Fire Rains was the next and the Sun of Water extinguished the fires of the "rain of resin" or of "turpentine from Tlaloc's passage. His wife quelled the fires because she cooled his intensity which turned into the fires that began to burn not only the roofs of the homes, but also the backs of all animals, wild and tame, as in the Russian comet of 1911 when animals were found with burns on their backs.

That left the age of Ocelotonatiuh, the Janguar which  “was the Fourth [First] and least [most] remote of the Four Cosmogonic Epochs; in which the giants who had been created by the Gods, lived. They did not till the soil and lived in caves. Ate wild fruits and roots, and were finally attacked and devoured by the Jaguars….” The basic epoch of the Aztecs goes back to the Quatngbernary, since they discovered bones of pre-Diluvian animals buried in deep gullies below dense Lithospheric [Earth turned to stone] Layers.

The mud from under the sea which came with the great waves covering the mountain tops, is Cretaceous, but not of an age on top of the earth. It came from the depths of the ocean where the stones of the comet fell. After the stones stopped dropping from the sky, there was a fine layer of dust called Iridium, which gave us, not the age of the earth, but the age of the star that exploded in the sky previously and the Twin comet picked up, only to dust the earth after the main drop of stones.

Why the jaguars? Both men and animals, fled to the caves for protection of the fires. The men [and women] brought supplies of food, and fuel. But even those supplies ran out before the three events past overhead. When the men attempted to leave the caves to see about what was left of their homes, the jaguars also left in order to look for food.. None being available, the jaguars attacked lone men. So the next set of humans that left the caves, joined together to help protect each other. Hence, the Age of the Jaguars, came after the fiery rains and the wall of water. The survivors who eventually saw the "birth of the last blazing sun" were not in the best of condition. Their clothing was worn out, their food was gone. Tohil, the old god, no longer could protect them, Quetzalcoatl, the Sovereign Serpent, became the New god of that age, which continues even to today.

Really, the combined tales of the Maya and the Aztecs do connect. Both are convoluted stories that have their narrators hidden, even though all are in plain sight at all times. The "Narrators" (Ibid, 1996, 63) are the words that are to be spoken, no more; no less.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Ketu: The Serpent with a Star Head

Draco or Ketu serpent with star head
The  star, Draco, as the star head of a sky serpent, is an astronomy entity, that also wears the name of Ketu, who became Vishnu. 

However, Shiva, the serpent of fire, with a magic disk, battled with Ketu, and split him into two elements of the sky.

It seems that as two elements of the sky, he was the broken tree where, Vega, a neighbor to a flaming nova, resided. There was a shift of our magnetic north, and Draco was no longer our North Star beacon. 

Shiva, as the serpent of fire, sped on his way, unconcerned with the turmoil in the sky. He had other things to attend to. The fires he sent out from his third eye, when his wife playfully covered his two eyes, were causing havoc with his earthly domain. It had to be rectified quickly.

Quick he patched the star tree, upside down to  the roots of the northern tree and visited a small domain, he had discovered when he slipped through a narrow mountain pass on the other side of the sea before he succeeded in connecting the star trees. It was a bit crooked but it was sufficient to create a beautiful road from pole to pole.  Then he returned home to his wife. He told her he had dedicated the beautiful new roadway to her because he wanted her to remember that his care of the world was his main work. The road was for her to plant roses so her flowers would bloom with perfume. Thus she became busy with the flowers and Shiva could take cae of the earthlings.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Three Great Waves

A Rocky Coast, in an Unknown Land
A map is not only a map, it can carry more information than expected. The Gronland Map by S. Stefansson, is one such map. It was found in another book entitled The Vineland Map and the Tartaar Relation. Plate XVII: Map of the North, Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark.[1]
The Vineland Map and the Tartaar Relation.
Plate XVII: Map of the North Sea,
Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark.
I found this map and consider it another map that contains anti-political (of the time it was created) rendition of an older map or maps, that once was in the cartographer's possession. In actuality is a sea map that shows the countries in a certain latitude near the main area of Greenland. However, the west coast appears to have Baja California and a section of the east, that includes the Yucatan, the Gulf of exico and Florida.  It is a simple procedure of putting land where there is sea water and lake water instead of the islands which are so obvious.

It is a very crude rendition of the North American Continent, but a description of Karlfin Porfinni in an earlier voyage, to somewhere, described the fishing weirs of the Aztecs in Lake Texcoco comparing the nets used to catch fish with threshing poles of his homeland because of the clacking sounds [very like the swinging threshers] were so clear to him. The crystal mountains, Popocatepetl and Ixtacuihuatl, forever covered with snow were mentioned. He also described a fish that I saw on the Gulf in an estuary behind the beach: a baby manta ray, very small, covered with sand with only its eyes showing.

Greenland (Gronland) has a strange story of three super waves that once inundated the land. Ireland also has a strange historical statement: that of a monk in an isolated cliff side monastery who claimed to have seen the sea on fire.

Now such a sea fire could have been a sailing ship sent out as a flaming funeral pyre which was common in the 11th century AD, however, such can never explain the three huge waves that hit Gronland, [Greenland] so many previous eons ago or even in later centuries.

After the time the Vinland book was published, Nature Magazine ran a research paper about the off-shore oil rigs in the North Atlantic Sea by co-authors: Lubonir F. Jansa, and  Georgia Pe-Piper, [my correspondent in 1987] [2].

"Extraterrestrial," as a word, was popular during that year.  A California researcher, had just discovered that an iridium layer was the reason that all the huge prehistoric creatures of the swamplands near rivers were wiped out. Jansa and Pe-Piper's paper also mentioned that a 0.22% layer of iridium was identified in the concentric craters near the oil rigs. Concentric, means having a common center, a common occurrence with a multiple meteorite fallout.

Now between Ireland [3] and Nova Scotia, there were the three huge waves of water that inundated Greenland (Gronland). In Ireland---the moonk'a name was Saint Columkile---a name as fake as the Greenland map.BUT the map is NOT a fake, it just has more information in it than one would expect from a time when people knew little about cartography, and books as we know them were rare.

The name of the monk is not fake either, nor was the name Rosault It actually tells about the column of water that killed, first the fish in the sea, then the birds in the air and finally men and beasts on the land. The manuscript, the Book of the Dun Cow and has such myths about rare beasties.

The beastie serpent of the sea had three more names: beast, piast and nathir [serpent].  A name for each of its journeys out of the great well.  Another tale, was about the fairy palaces under the sea that were ablaze with lights, gems and gold. It seems to me that the monk was corrext in saying the "sea was on fire." when the water serpent rose from the depths of the ocean.

Of course, the whole world recovered that big splash into the North Atlantic Sea and all was forgotten. The survivors were too busy trying to restore their homes and farmlands.

What? There were survivors who needed to restore their homes and farmlands? How ridiculous! The iridium layer was dated  more or less 65 million years ago. And humans did not appear on the earth until 25 million years ago. 

Yet, there are many tales around the world about a great blue star in the sky that was self-destructing just as a pair of comets passed by. The comets picked up the debris when that star exploded and carried much of it to earth.[5]  The complete story, with dates[6], can be found in the Maya highlands. There are many monuments there---and other places in the world---that tell of the turmoil in the skies besides a detailed history of the event.

The waves in the seas that roared inland and covered the mountain tops have been recorded there also. Tsunamis? Before such inundations were even identified and named? There is no record? Yet the Cretaceous era of Geology on land has never been accurately dated.

So which ancient history can verify, or at least relate to such destruction? 

A more recent  tsunami the 27th of July 1998, had a schoolgirl quesstion a University of Ssouthern California volunteer geologist and he was bothered a bit by it. She asked why the sea was on fire? He could give no answer, because Water does not burn. He assumed it wwas the dinoflagelletes that had been disturbed by the force of the tsunami.  she was obviously imagining things.

But what if Saint Columkille of Ireland;  the Greenland three wacves were real;; the CEPC research; and the girl survvivor at Papua, NG were correct and the sea had been on fire because of a huge meteorite that hit the water, a distance from the islands?  It is really something to consider, I thuink.
1  Skelton,  R. A. et al.  (1965) The Vineland Map and the Tartar Relation. Yale University Library, New Haven: Yale Printing Press. Plate XVII: Map of the North, Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2  Jansa, Ludonir, F. [1]; Georgia Pe-Piper [2] (1987) First Impact Crater of an Extraterrestrial Body  into the Ocean Identified;^ [1] Geological Survey of Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanograhphy, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and [2] Department of Geology at St. Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

3  Joyce, P. W. (1908) A Smaller Social History of Ancient Ireland. Second Edition, Dublin: Long mans Green and Company.

4  Iridium University of California. Department of Geology.

5  Miller, Mary, and Taube, Karl  (1993, 167) The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya. London: Thames and Hudson, (See Tlaltecuhtli).

6  Urquidi, D. M. (2010) A Ten-Sun Day, Printing.  [Dates are on the stelae; but not in this book. A list is of many of the dates are in an unpublished (2003) Maya Stelae  (375 sites) with rulers separated with their individual dates..