Saturday, December 1, 2012

Palenque: Temples XIX - XXI - XXII

Sailors with a Slave Carrying a Hawser [Rope]
       A few years ago, I attended the Maya Meetings when the major discussion was about Temple XIX.
The murals on that temple appeared to be a group of men with moustaches, club fingers and one-leg, who seemed to be sailors askpetitioning aid from the ruler of Palenque. As proof of their needs, the slave at the end of the mural wore a hawser rope around his shoulders and chest; a much easier way to carry such a rope, than attemptin to carry a coil of such.

     Since one-legged sailors were very common in the days of galleons with many sails, it ds to reason that fingers could have been removed with the aid of the sail sheets (ropes, quite a bit finer than the hawser that is not as thick as those 6"circumference ropes we use now for the big ships, but thick enough for a middle sized sailing or rowing vessel). It is possible to leave this particular view of the Maya to other sailor/scholars to work on.

Temple XIX - XXI - XXII
     During the lecture, Three temples were mentioned as being areas of sacrifice. A single bowl; one was found in each of these three temples. It was reported that all three bowls were exactly the same. It was also reported that each bowl once contained a heart of a "sacrificed" human. The bowl was not displayed within the workbook, so my interest was even more curious, than if it had been. I attempted to find a copy of one of the bowls, but the web did not have any access to such a bowl either.

       From the single slide shown, the decoration inside the bowl did indicate that it held hearts. but the outer rim was decorated with cloud scrolls. Clouds indicate sky and sky indicates, in turn, astronomy.  But, at that time, I could not understand why it was a sacrifical offering. If the main temples that gave the history of Pacal, [minus the areas had been removed from the beginning of the east panel], how would one know these bowls were used for human hearts?

     The odd element was of such hearts, that the strangers were petitioning assistance. They were not prisoners who had been captured and were being judged for their beauty (lopped off fingers, one-leg equaled "beauty"?) nor did they appear to be religious, as one willing to be sacrificed? They were not prisoners.  They were asking for help and were confident that it would be given.

     This year, the workbook was on a table, in the living room and I had nothing better to do (that I wanted to do} so i browsed the workbook.and discovered I had forgotten that the Temples of the Cross, Foliated Cross and the three temple mentioned in the title, were also part of the discussion at the Meeting.

        I had beensso involved and disappointed at not being able to find a picture of the cup, that I had completely ignored the map os Palenque that included the Temples XIX, XXI and XXII. This time the three temples were noted immediately. . . . they were skewed and a bit out of order. . . .  SKEWED? Why were they skewed?

      The Summer
<    Triangle of
      North America

<  Peru

        The Three 
        Temples at  Palenque         >

      The Three Temples of Palenque create a triangle that, if the top red line were placed directly on the temple to the left of it instead of on its platform, it would approximate the Northern Cross, Cygnus and the Summer Triangle, all of which are different names for the same constellation [and its main star Deneb]. Lyra's star is Vega, and Aquila's is Altair.  The only difference between the north of the Equator views and Peru, is that here in North America, Peru has a 90° "to-the-left" position common to constellations seen south of the Equator.  However, in different world locations, it can vary from a 90° to a 180° difference as in Hawaii, north of the Equator.

      This is due to the location of earth as its north and south latitudes spin seasonally between the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn, as the earth follows its orbit around the sun.

      So what is so important about the Summer Triangle? Nothing per se, but the main star in Lyra located in the Upper Register of the Milky Way was called Vega, was once the bowl tnext to a disintegrating nova, now called the Ring Nebula. The Aztecs called that star, also located in the Milky Way, The Beautiful Rose [in the] Tree, called the Milky Way. The lower register of the Milky Way had also just acquired a new bright star, Sirius, that complemented the exapnded Orion constellation that was then called The Tree of the Warrior.

     So if we assume that the three temples in Palenque are honoring the Summer Triangle, aka Northern Cross, aka Cygnus, could it be so important that it was also honoring the Three Hearthstones that contained the great fire stars [comets] during the turmoil in the heavens.

     Well, when the star disintegrated, meteors, meteorites and fire dust fell to earth.  And that was when the sky gods laughed so hard, they fell out of their seats [positions] in the sky.  Thus, to further honor the Summer Triangle, [aka the Three Hearthstones, aka Cygnus [Seven Macaw], and aka the Northern Cross], the priests searched for an found small meteorites, [that were discovered to be "magic' except that that magic we now call "magnetic."]  These magical stones were placed within the cups of the three temples and they were honored as the "Hearts of the Sky," not human hearts at all. When the Friars learned about the stones, they insisted that they were of the "devil" and asked all temple priests in Mesoamerica to turn them into the Churches.

     The event was such when the sky gods laughed so hard, they fell out of their seats [positions] in the sky. It is here that we first find the sky netting. But the Maya version only says it was a net bag used by Blood Moon to carry maize [corn cobs] to her new mother-in-law.

     It is in the Greek and Roman myths that the sky net was first appreciated for what it does. Basically Aphrodite and Aries were involved in a very serious meeting in the Greek version; and Venus with the same planet called Mars were just as involved in the Roman version, Hephaestus [or Vulcan] got angry, went to his forge and created a golden net in Greek; or a brass net in the Roman tale. 

     Hephaestus [Vulcan] then waited until Aphrodite and Aries were together again and threw the net over them and pulled the netting tight about them. It was then that the sky gods laughed so hard, they fell off their thrones. When they stopped laughing and rolling on the floor, they each returned to the seats, but after a bit, realized that they had each gone and sat in their neighbor's seat, not their own.

Once the sky net was seen and it was recognized by many as a great way to keep track of the stars,  the sky nets became very useful for astronomers and for any shaman who read horoscopes. The net clothing decorations were specifically designed for the sky gods apparel. Temple priests of astronomy also were given special permission to wear netted decorations over their regular temple attire. It became a great honor to wear such netting because it indicated that the priest was an astronomer of long standing. A man to be revered because upon his death he would join those stars which he had honored in his lifetime.


     The story is mixed up with too many outside sources . . . No it is not. The disaster was noted in many lands around the world. I only chose the lands that were contained in the unknown Americas. But the net capture scene had to be remembered and not deleted from history. So the obvious thing to do was to incorporate it into a "sexy tryst" between a wandering goddess and an orbiting planet  Such a text would be safe even in the monasteries. No one would even guess that it was an actual astronomy event. It would only indicate that even the gods, when cuckolded react in real anger. Some day when we are wiser, the world will understand that the stars are universal and, even with the lop-sided spin that we acquired, most sky events, [very serious ones], were also universally seen.
       The net in the sky was very real, It enclosed two star entities in the sky for a time and then, when the other entities rolled around in the sky and switched their locations accidentally, it disappeared from sight. but not from the memories of the Aztec and Maya people. The death toll was horrible to even consider. The tribes that disappeared were noted at the end of the Popol Vuh and their main god Tohil also permanently left the scene. The new sky gods were taken by the Twins into the northern sky in a canoe that was able to travel on the Milky Way, the River of [sparkling] Salt.

      We know the Ocean-sea is full of salt, it is our sole scientific reference, but how often has mankind wasted salt just to view a trail of that once precious commodity, salt, only to admire its brilliance in the sunshine or in the moonlight? To waste salt would probably have been a crime because it was so valuable. Who got sacrificed as a political enemy when they used salt to demonstrate the shimmer of the Milky Way at night?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Smoking Star as a Comet

Fray Duran's Smoking Star as a Comet
     In Nahuatl Tezcatlipoca means Smoking Mirror. This god is often associated with Sirius, the Dog Star, because it is the brightest star in the constellation Orion. To some, it is not important, that Sirius, as bright as a mirror, is not a smoking star, even when seen with NASA's telescopes, as below: 
NASA: Sirius:A  Two-Star System
     The obvious conclusion is that Sirius must have been such a smoking star centries ago. So when Mexican history indicated that the gods changed themselves into two trees called, Tezcaquahuitl, the Tree of the Warrior, and Quetzalveixochitl, the beautiful rose tree, Henry Phillips, Jr. called the Tree of the Warrior, Tezcatlipoca , a name very similar in spelling and description. [A.H.M., 75 The History of the Mexicans as Told by Their Paintings, [1883] aka Codex Ramírez, after Bishop Ramírez de Fuen Leal.]

    In the Maya Popol Vuh, it is the same star with a different name, and it is seems to be the only other place in Mesoamerica where it is identified as a "mirror." Nevertheless, Sahagún agreed with the name Tezcaquahuitl, as the Tree of the Warrior which may also be Tezcauauhuitl, and gave the definition as "Bledos del espejo," a food plant.  [Amaranthus II, I  pf 2, 1]. Why Bledos del espejo, a botany term refers to a mirror, no one has yet been able to answer.
A Astronomer/Astrologer and a flaming plant for Menudo?
     Even so, the above double piece of a codex was not identified except by a number. The top section implies that it is a plant (picante) for a soup called Menudo and the bottom claims it is part of a opronostico [or prognostic] prophecy from an astrologer. It has all the components of a comet with a flaming tail, except that the head is a plant, maybe the Amaranthus of Sahagún's Tezcauauhuitl that can also be translated as "Bledos del espejo," [a food plant of the mirror]. "Bledos" is a word that,  strangely, can also infer: "I don't give a Hoot about this change."  

     If the Smoking mirror is  in the Popol Vuh, it should be as the sun "who put a mirror in the sky and went home." It is as if the flaming item shown above is really the comet that "set the mirror in the middle of the sky." If it had been the real sun from the east returning home but instead a very real comet with a very brilliant tail. When it crossed the sky from the northwest, it was bright enough to hide the true sun.
     I believe it is a possibility that a monastery translator of Mexican codices could have been "spitting nails" about what his gaolers insisted should be done, and instead, inferred his own feelings about the cover ups against his own native history by using this particular word picture of a plant as his replacement.
Could a "smoking mirror" have come from the northwest?

     Such a comet that was considered to be a disintegrating comet, came from the west in 2006 and two years later, in 2008, flew over Oregon, Washington, and Southern Canada very close to the horizon. It frightened adults, children, and animals alike with rumbling noises that even shook houses.

    The ancient version created a very, very red sky for a long time until a "human" grabbed a rabbit and threw it at the sun (comet here) so that the rabbit landed on the face of the moon. The tail of that comet was a smoking burning tail with magnetic meteorites of metal that were  very hot to the touch as they fell through our atmosphere and burned Maya homes of wattle and mud. (See the wall mural of Chichen Itza).  

     If we went back far enough in the ancient codices or into the Popol Vuh texts, I am sure we would find that "the mirror placed by the sun in the middle of the sky" before the sun turned tail and went home to the east would be noted as being super hot and people had to remain in the caves until the comet left the gravity pull of our earth. The men would have gone to their old homesteads during the cool of the night to see what could be salvaged from the ruins. The women would have kept themselves busy making pottery to barter for food later, when they could go to the Markets again. Food would have been very scarce. A miracle would have been necessary to keep the people from starving during that too bright, too hot sun (comet).

     The missing data would be similar to the original turtle in the Popol Vuh that was rewritten as a squash for ease in carving Hunahpu's substitute head and because "turtle carapaces do not contain seeds." Xbalenqué had hung the turtle "head," not a squash, over the ball court in the sky and tossed a stone at the turtle constellation so that it exploded into many pieces, like seeds."  

     There never has been a constellation called a "squash," but there has been a constellation, once called a Turtle. It was the Greek god Hermes that created a lyre from the carapace of a turtle and defeated Apollo in a contest of music. That constellation is now called Lyra because of the music that seemed to come from the sky ball game of the Twins..

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Let There Be Light."

To investigate cultural mores and customs is not reviewing a wild untamed culture to be defined for posterity; it is a privilege given you to honor their lives and livelihood. Their livelihood depends on their surroundings and their ability to cope with the circumstances to which they were born.
To decide that their dances are "transformations" of their souls, Balderdash! Just as a ballet is not a "transformation,"  only a dance of beauty to illustrate a story. So what if a culture being studied does not use tulle and sparkles. Gee Whiz! 
Their dances are supposed to be wild, uncouth performances with no preparation, even though the same patterns are repeated year after year. But that person has not learned the education system of the culture. 
High pitched songs of a Chinese Opera singer are specifically geared to busy families, who mill about the stage, shushing their children, discussing a new business proposition, or just, in general, chit-chating among friends. 
The audience knows the opera since it is usually an ancient story, and when they hear the part of the song they are interested in, they listen intently, because they may have forgotten the importance of that phase of the opera.
The singer is well aware of his audience and their needs. His song is not forced, but insistent, so people who are listening for a particular segment, know instantly when it is being presented. The singer on the other hand, knows the audience and knows when the ripple of conversation has been interrupted, by whom and when. 
In Hawaii, the old hula dances had sexual implications. The dancer already knew who she was dancing for, the preferred partner already knew he was the selected one, and all other men in the group knew they were not invited to the couple's "party."
The shaman of the northlands, with everyone wrapped warmly in furs, is part psychiatrist, part father-confessor, and part story teller. If his audience contains a disbeliever, he and the audience are in on the presentation, knowing that it will be a semi-hypnotic event, but it will have a very amusing reaction from the disbeliever. 
A disbeliever is conned into thinking he saw something that he could never have seen in the depths of the snow and ice that surround the campsite. The regular audience is expecting great fun, and the disbeliever either believes or never again ridicules the shaman or the culture. 
In Africa it is the same. a disbeliever is suddenly convinced their perception is a true one and they, in awe, never again question how it was done.
     In both cultures the story-teller/shaman relates the tales of bravery or the arrival of a male child into manhood. The psychiatrist and the confessor elements cleanse souls, those who did not honor a taboo or other major or minor peccadillos of the group.  
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Modern men create the same mesmerizing events, but they are called hypnotists but their results are not "transformations," just entertainment. Even on the high seas, the impersonator of Neptune, at the equatorial crossing, is not a "transformation." It is just play-acting for the new sailors on board, during a common crossing of the equator. It helps relieve the doldrums of a quiet sea, and it also is fun and game playing.
When Santa Claus comes to town, and Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer do their pitter-pattering dance [inferred] on the roof tops of children's homes, so fathers around the world take over the imagery to continue their children's beliefs, until such time they must learn Santa is an "idea," not a person.
So to call common history re-enactments in ANY culture, or to say the actors are being "transformed" into gods or animals is rude. 
As a friend of mine once said:  
"When God said, 'Let there be light'
Antonio Badu flipped the switch"

Friday, November 2, 2012

Via Lacta: Our Own Galactic Identification

     On Saturday, October 27, 2012, at 8:30 am, at the South Central Conference on Mesoamerica in Lubbock, at the Texas Technical University, I presented the following information about the Via Lacta, commonly called the Milky Way.
Our Galatic Solar Location
     It seems that we live in a Spiral Galaxy,  where each branch of the spiral is open-ended. That gives us a new view of our sky over our heads. We have been under the impression that we see two different spirals of our Galaxy when we look skyward. In fact, with the help of the Hubble Space telescope, we actually are sitting very close to only ONE spiral and the sun blocks our view of any other one during our daytime hours. Our orbit is so small, by comparison, within even one spiral, that Hubble's view of all the known planets in our solar system, including the largest, is too insignificant to be even noted in the views shown above or below.
The Upper register is our Summer view of the Via Lacta
while the Lower register is our Winter view.
     So that when we see our Summer register, Peru and other southern countries below the Equator see the Winter register.  The sky then appears to contain two different branches of the Milky Way. As it can be noted in the above view, the exact center actually contains several star  locations of constellations found in either the upper or Lower registers.

The Maya used every bit of information that our astronomers have today via huge Palomar-type telescopes, including that of a spinning bi-polar jet that can be found below on]; yet, they had no telescopes, so it has been said.

     The graphic picture below with proper iconography can be found in the Nuttall Codex at the bottom of page 34. The Lady in this iconic configuration is the mother-to-be of the Twins, Hunahpú and Xbalenqué. 

     Her name glyphs read Two Atl, [Spear]. Below the spear, a star shape with many little stars surrounding it, with what appears to be a hand with a strange extension. Enlarged and turned 90°, it is a macaw with the star form at its neck. She, on the other hand, is holding a spindle in her left hand. With the glyph of the spindle, this star has the same components as the younger spinning Bi-polar Jet seen in the film clip below. It also contains the blue area found there at the north and south poles of the star from where the long streams of gasses are swirling. The blue area eventually will expand towards the equator and the star will become a blue moon-like star shining both day and night.. The following film clip is from :just ask for the Toddler Star in the McNeal Nebula.The 

     As noted, the modern Bi-polar Jet was called a "Toddler Star." The female here from the Nuttall Codex is already a grown woman, called Blood Moon,[1] but she holds the spindle in her left hand, a blue apron with only one star, while her headdress shows two star forms. The "spindle" is the symbol of her star status 
 interaction with the sky, that of a spinning Bi-Polar Jet. A double comet is arriving at her source.
      However, since the bright blue north and south pole areas of the ancient version of this star-form did expand to the equators and the whole globe burned a bright blue as a nova, with only the nebula area as red. Poor Blood Moon had to lose her female status to become a MALE bird that was thereafter called Seven Macaw in the Popol Vuh. Why? 

     If the story teller of the Maya was in the process of telling the story, the listeners would complain because everyone knew that the female birds were more or less camouflaged since their job was to take care of their eggs. The male bird was a much better fit to the story. His flashy colors could lead hunters away from the nest quickly; so the nest, the hen and the chicks would be safe. Blood Moon, then, by default, became Seven Macaw of the bright scarlet and blue feathers

     Justin Kerr [of] photographed a vase called K-7912 that actually shows a 2-year old female child—a toddler—being judged by Hunahpú and Xbalenqué for the Sky God on the throne. The small child is being held by the Guardian of the Stars and it is he who will place her among the stars if she is approved by the future Twins before they take their place in the sky as a double comet.
Coyolxauhquí aka Tlaltecuhtli

     Her Mixtec/Aztec name was Tlaltecuhtli and the description by Mary Miller and Karl Taube is actually illustrated on the Moon Disk. The monumental stone was discovered when a new Metro station was being excavated in Mexico City. INAH gave this goddess  another name, that of the star called  Coyolxauhqui, sister of Huitzilopochtl, who wanted to kill their mother, Coatlique, because she believed her to be a "loose" woman.

     In their book, Miller and Taube gave a perfect description of her death and her final journey with the Twins (again with different names) to her resting place on earth. In between time, the Twins, in the Maya version, had removed the turquoise teeth of Seven Macaw and made the nova (named Taltecuhtli {aka Seven Macaw} by removing her arms and legs) a benign star for all eternity until its final destruction in a black hole, or as part of another nova in the far distant future.

     The result of the removal and the distribution of the debris from the dying star, was considered in the ancient world, to be the destruction of the "pillars of the world,"[2] or the trees that were newly placed to "hold up the corners of the world."[3] Or, as found in Chinese [4] and in several Mexican Codices, as a similar Broken Tree, or  tree split in half with a man being sacrificed as in the Dresden)[5] or as the spinning star Lady.[6]

      A new item that turned up is in ancient German History. The symbol for [Aphrodite]  was a circular mass broader at the base and rises like a turning post to a small circumference at the top. {7}. This image is similar to the "primitive" Mixtec image on page  32 of the Nuttall Codex, and agrees with the symbol in the hand of the woman, of a wide based spindle that turns to make thread, but in both instances, the spindle is the only thing that turns, no thread is being made. 

       Only the Bi-polar Jet is moving in a circular way in the sky.  The Germans saw it at a different latitude over their heads, hence the image only has one narrow shaft, or gas plume. Aphrodite of the Greeks, URI of Hawaii, Venus of the Romans, all the beauty goddesses of the world bear different names. but are familiar as blue stars.
Miller, Mary and Taube, Karl (1993). The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya. London: Thames and Hudson, Ltd.

2 Sanders, N. K.  (1974, 69) Epic of Gilgamesh. New York: Penquin Classics

3 Phillips, Jr., Henry (1883, XXI, 616-651) History of the Mexicans as Told by Their Paintings (Translated and edited by Henry Phillips Jr.) Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Edited by Alec Christensen 

Appendix 21: The two trees into which the gods changed themselves; more properly, Tezcaquahuitl: the "Tree of the Warrior." and Quetzalveixochitl; the "Beautiful Rose Tree." - A.H.M., 75..

4 Chang, K. C (1963, 28) The Archaeology of Ancient China. Harvard: Yale University Press, My Note:  A broken bamboo tree is the same as any tree that is broken in the middle. It is just thinner.

5 Dresden Codex (D-3)

6 Codex Nuttall, p. 32, bottom right.

Tacitus, Histories, II - 2 - 3, p. 163, Tacitus, II - 2: King Aerias founded temple of Venus at Paphos. II - 3: Some say it was the name of the goddess herself who sprang from the sea. II - 3, p. 165:  The symbol for her was circular mass broader at the base and rises like a turning post to a small circumference at the top.

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 12, 1493 Most famous Feast Day of All

     Christopher Columbus sailed to Chios when he was about 23 or 24 (1) Married Felipa Moñiz Perestrello of Lisbon, daughter of navigator who found Port Santo (Madeira) and left many charts and nautical instruments. He went with his brother Bartholomeo in 1488 to John II of Portugual and Henry VII of England with his ideas of India through the Atlantic Ocean but was not successful. (1) 

     Christopher Columbus had sailed before to Guinea in Africa and to the Northlands. Eventually, as a good God-fearing Christian, he took his son to the monastery at Rabida, (2) and convinced a monk that he knew where the Indies was located. It is more likely that he had been a prisoner, and his son was held hostage, but there is only the beautiful tale that Columbus went to the monastery for food and assistance.

    Eventually, the monk, and Columbus convinced the King and Queen of Spain that the goal of the Indies as a possibility. The people involved in this great adventure across unknown seas were once placed on a modern map of the Galapagos. The islands bore the names of the king, queen, the monk, and the person who supplied the funds for the journey. The map was changed somewhere in the 1970's or a few years earlier. My Geography class donated the old geography book, (Goode, J.P. (1957)  World Atlas Physical, Political, and Economic [Tenth ed.] Chicago, Illinois: Rand McNally & Company) because the new names replaced those tell-tale island names.

     During the time Columbus was roaming around Europe looking for a patron, many heretics were  to take a pilgramage to Santiago de Compostela. One of the stops many made before going to the Cathedral of Santiago, was a small church at Mugia, Spain. It was the Church of Nuestra Señora del Barco, Our Lady of the Boat. It is pretty obvious that many pilgrims died on the journey for lack of f money for food and housing, but those who succeeded in making the arduous journey received  a special blessing from Our Lady.  Her feast day was and still is October 12.

     Now, where did I see that date?  Oh, yes, it is today. The day that Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. What better way to warn the pilgrims who could afford passage on ships to flee the Inquisition by crossing the ocean to a safe haven, except the date of a very obscure church on the northwestern coast of Spain.  In that way, all pilgrims would have heard the news about the Americas and be forewarned that the Inquisition was going to be there soon also.

     In old maps of Texas and Mexico, there are colonies called Nueva Viscaya, and people in the western states of North America, that claim to have Hebrew ancestors. These maps are Texan maps, but extend into Mexico proper. Interesting, more so because of some insignificant details, the names have been brushed aside by history.  Hurray for October 12 and Our Lady of the Boat.
Encyclopedia Americana, (1946 edition, Volume VII, p. 339) and Bibliography (Note 1:) Henry Vignaud <Histoire critique de la grande enterprise de Christophe Colomb> (Paris, 1911); <Toscanelli and Columbus> (London, 1903) <Etudes critiques sur la vie de Colomb avant ses découvertes> (Paris, 1905)

(2) La Gran Encyclopédie. Tours: E. Arrault et Cie.    p. 7,    Rabide Monastère de espagnol en Punta Umbria, province Huelva was XIII century.  It was primarily a Christian Fortress, of a military order of the Templars, that the Arabs named Rabidas. Then it became a Franciscan monastery. très repandues in Spain  Was Roman and Visigoth of Cordova style.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Language of the Seven Caves

     In a dissertation of Professor T. Anderson, the Language of the Seven Caves is called  Zuya, which may not be a "language" just a series of conundrums or riddles to give information to those who knew the original story by heart.

     The first conundrum about a cosmic breakfast and is the Summer Triangle (or the Northern Cross, or Cygnus; since all three constellations are the same star configuration.).

     The Lance [that is the Cross] as in the Milky Way is informing you of the location of the Sun-like Seven Macaw, not the real sun at all, just a new blazing nova. In the meantime, the Hand of God, [check NASA for it, if you have not read my blog entries: it is a recently discovered nebula by NASA]. The Creator "Hand of God" Nebula created the "green" jaguar as the baby jaguar of the Justin Kerr's vases ("Green Jaguar" means a "new night sky" here)  by sending the Twins on their journey for the ball game in the sky.

     The comet that came from the Hand of God nebula, is just an astronomy story of the Creation myth. On one vase the changes in the sky are inferred by a brilliant star on the tail of the baby jaguar.(But not Venus for heavens sake.) The star is just Hunahpú [and his brother, Xbalenque] who were born from the spittle though the mouth of their father's skull [NGC7000] located near Deneb who then traveled through the magical star tree called the Milky Way to their future mother, Blood Moon. the spindle Lady identified in the Nuttall Codex.(N-34)

     I cannot explain it any better. Professor Anderson will do a different version, nevertheless, the complete story occurs in the Popol Vuh and the above conundrum is just a variation on that theme, in fact all the conundrums seem to be a part of the PV.

     As for the Third question: the "large" house". . . . does it have two central posts?  If so, it is Hunahpú planting the corn in the house of Grandmom. The two legs of the Milky Way . . .  that hold up the sky . . . The Tree of the Beautiful Rose and the Tree of the Warrior. This element is the Aztec version of the "raising of the sky." The roof of the sky as illustrated on Izapa Stela 22 has a 23.5 deg. slant.  Stela 22 is a record of the turmoil [its creation] in the sky.  It uses the modismo (idiomatic phrase] of "square eyes" and a flat Milky Way. The water gods here are of no account.

      There is a second Stela, #67, which infers the rainbow sent by God was to say there would be no more disasters like the sky event.  On this stela,  the Milky Way Tree is an upside-down water way with the waves on the bottom of the river, not on the top. It is related to how earthly water is absorbed by the Sun and later falls from the clouds as rain. The Elephant Seals of the Pacific Ocean are now the rulers of that segment of the Milky Way. [These seals live in the ocean between Baja California and roam as far south as Tierra del Fuego in South America.] 

     The image of the upside down waves is in part because of the travel path of these sea animals south of the Equator, where our constellations can be found upside-down or at a 90 degree turn. This wave action of the Milky Way then, can be found in another codice (as one of two serpents wrapped around the "Tree." One is water shows as a cloud serpent; the other is fire; as a fire serpent.  The illustration of such a tree can be found in the Selden Codex on page two. The single tree, [as one spiral of our galaxy], is being split in two and becomes both the Tree of the Beautiful Rose (the upper register] and the Tree of the Warrior [Orion in the lower register] of that spiral.

     The Fourth question is the arrival of the Sun (comet from the west) that met the real sun at midday [our noon] like a mirror. Dennis Tedlock gives that explanation in the notes of his translation of the Popol Vuh. Professor Tedlock referred to Eric Thompson who, ”as early as 1933, had translated the same text as 'the [true] sun traveled westward as usual, but appeared to turn around if it had placed a mirror in the mid-day sky, then it went eastward' [back to its home].)  "The [birth of the Fifth] Sun emerged as a mirror in the middle of the noon-time sky" [Tedlock, (1996, 161)]

     However, Venus, the planet, is invisible during the day (Dickenson, (1998) so one can discount the Great Star identification as the Venus Planet completely. The Great Star was so bright, that it was brighter than our normal sun. But mostly, because it had a much lower trajectory than our Sun. Coming from the west, and meeting our normal rising sun in the middle of the day, it overshadowed the sun completely and it appeared that the "comet-sun" returned to the sun's Eastern abode, ready to start a new day in the morning. 

     All of the above are observations I have made about the conundrums of the seven caves, because of previous information about ancient astronomy that I have gleaned over the years. Anyone who has any further input about what I have written, would make it much more interesting since this is just a Blog for experimentation. 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Maiz [sic] Tostado y Las Varonil

     How should one investigate the written manuscript by Sahagún called the Florentine Codex? It is known that the top of the original codex had been cut off. This was thought to infer that it was to fit into a certain format

      However, after reading Book VII, Chapter III and IV, I feel that Sahagún, along with other monks in their monasteries, were actually trying to give scholars information that was  methodically being destroyed.

     I looked for another word or explanation and discovered Xonecuilli that led me on a merry chase through all twelve books of the Florentine. The following information was my preliminary  notes regarding the Warrior Women called Cihuapilli, who were ceremonially honored with such bread. Bread? Was that all it was? And "celebrated," not only in the temples, but also at crossroads? Why?
Sahagún, IV 1956 p. 50, Xonecuilli:  “Pie torcido” Pan en forna de zigzag, usado en ciertas fiestas I, 10, 4. 50)  Y por esto las hacían fíesta y en esta fíesta ofreían en su templo, o en la encruijadas de los caminos, pan hecho de diversas figuras. Unos, como maríposas, otros de figura del rayo que cae del cielo, que se llaman Xonecuilli, y también unos tamalejos que se llaman xucuichtlamatzoalli, y maíz  [sic] tostado que llaman ellos izquitl [or popcorn.] :  (I, X, 1, 49): 
 Estas diosas llamadas Cihuapipíltin, (IV, 370) eran todas las mujeres que morían del primer parto, a las cuales canonizaban por diosas, según, esta escrito en el sexto libro, en el Capitula XXVIII; allí se cuenta de las ceremonias que hacían a su muerte, y de la canonización por diosas; allí se verá a la larga. (II, VI, XXVIII, 5, 178):
Una Oración:   Hija mía muy amada, mira que eres mujer fuerte, esfuerzate, y haz como mujer "varonil," haz como hizo aquilla diosa que parió primero que se llamaba Cihuacoatl, y Quilaztli---esta es Eva, que es la MuJer que primero parió---- (IV, 326) 
Cihuapilli = Mujer, noble, reina [I VI, 1, 46: Se llamaba Cihuacóatl or Serpent Woman y también Tonántzin, que quiere decir nuestra Madre. Se da este nombre a las mujeres muertas de parto, y deificadas, y a ciertas deidades femeninas, diferentes de ellas.
     My Note here: Varonil in this prayer does not mean a Lesbian. It means a woman who acquired the strength of a man during the process of giving birth, [but who died during the event] hence has the right of being a "warrior" that the gods would accept. . . . . in the heaven of Tamoanchan.

     The women, in question, may have held the hands of their curanderas, [their midwives]. Maybe one or more may have broken the bones of a hand or two.

     There are reports that a woman might, during the birthing, pull on a rope hung from the rafters of her home. If the rafter had not been set into the framework properly, or had not been thick enough,or even that the rope may have been frayed a bit, the woman could very well have either broken the rope, or broken the rafter, with her birthing exertions. A primer parto [first birth] for any woman is usually the most difficult since the bones of the pelvis have to adjust to the stretch necessary to accommodate the passage of the emerging baby.

     Anyone who assumes that such actions of being a "female warrior in death" comes from being a man-woman has never had the wrenching experience of childbirth. To that they should say: "Thank Heavens" for it is a difficult time for a pregnant woman.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Bird/Flower "god" of 2012

Knotted Seven Macaw, dying with Meteorite Shower and Flaming Comets
        A long time ago, in 1986, Linda Quist did a dictionary of sorts about the various Maya glyphs and where they were to be found. It was a very extensive list with several sub-chapters.(1) Bolon Yokte' [K'uh] was cross-referenced with Baklel Wai (page four)  and on page three, Baklel Wai was translated as "Bird-Flower" from a Copan location. Bruce Bowers wrote three different papers which included the glyph Baklel Wai or "Bird-Flower."

      The blanket design above is a bird tied neck and feet to a bar-b-que spit. The 'bird," maybe a turkey, but it is represented in the Polol Vuh, he is being cooked over an open fire. In the above glyph-picture, it is being roasted from below by the fires from the "oven of the gods." A rain of burning stones [meteorites and burning ash] fall upon it from above. It is screaming in fury from the pain. 

      The eye of the bird has what appears to be jewels, some of which are blue. It makes a fair case that it is Seven Macaw in his final death throes after the Twins, Hunahpú and Xbalenqué remove his adornment of turquoise [blue] teeth and metallic decoration around his eye. It is part of the Popol Vuh story as an expanded glyph image of fire as Hunahpú cooks the bird for Kab'raqan" [Earthquake] that they covered with cal [lime]. When it was eaten it killed the giant who rocked the earth..

       Eric Boot, had his own Ideas about another god, God L and his court followers. He compared God L to both Baklel Wai K'uh and Uhuk Chapat Tz'ikin K'inich Ahaw, that he translated as "Seven Centipede Eagle Sun Lord." If Seven Macaw  instead of the "Centipede Eagle" is used for the bird, then one can read the Popol Vuh and understand why the macaw was thought a "genius in his being."  Seven Macaw claimed:
>>>I am great. My place is now higher than that of the human work, the human design. I am their sun and I am their light. And I am also their months.
>>>So be it: my light is great. I am the walkway and I am the foothold of the people, because my eyes are of metal. My teeth just glitter with jewels, and turquoise as well; they stand out blue with stones like the face of the sky
And this nose of mine shines white into the distance like  the moon.
>>>Since my nose is metal, it lights up the face of the earth. When I come forth before my nest, I am like the sun and moon or those who are  born in the light, begotten in the light. It must be so, because my face reaches into the distance." saids Seven Macaw.
[Yet] It is not true that he is the sun, this Seven Macaw, yet he magnifies himself, his wings, his metal. But the scope of his face lies right around his own perch; his face does not reach everywhere beneath the sky. The faces of the sun, moon, and stars are not yet visible. It has not yet dawned. . . .This was when the flood was worked upon the manikins, woodcarvings. [* Tedlock,  D. (1996, 73-74)] <<<
 The above named bird stars, either Eagle Sun or Seven Macaw, reminded me of Lamina 08 and Lamina 10 of the Magliabechiano Codex. It seems that in this case, a monastic copier translated the term for a “blanket" calling it a mari-posa [butterfly]. It has a single star glyph in its center. On a different blanket the original glyph writer created a similar blue insect-star glyph but with extra legs attached to small globes blazing in the sky .

      The same type butterfly-insect is also found in the Borgia Codex on a huge double page spread, while in the Codex Becker Colombina (Lamina 07) a butterfly is used as a temple adornment during the year Ten Flint. In fact most of the codices have a similar insect-creature, sometimes as a multiple element but usually without the star-eye in the center.

      Between Bolon Yokte' K'uh, the  Bird/Flower "god" [Quist, Linda (1996, 4- 3, top-left)] and the K'uh [god] who "will descend" during December 2012, a tentative concept suggested by David Stuart but that he felt was never really proven. (Stuart, David, 2011 315) (2) 

     Nevertheless, there is a series of blankets that tell different parts of the story. The main blanket  is at the beginning of this article,  and tells of the death of Seven Macaw as he is being cooked, as if he was a "turkey" on a spit. Symbols are usually visual and have little to do with the concept of the original name used for the main actor in the story, whether it be a bird, an animal or even a human entity.

      [A man said to be "Strong as an ox, does not have the face or body of an ox, or even of a bull."  Water that is considered "cold as ice" is not necessarily a chunk of ice."] Phrases such as these are analogies and meant to remind the person of an image or a sensation known to the listener during previous times.]
Magliabechiano Codex. Lam. 08 - 10
     The two blankets pictured above are excellent examples of a blazing star in two different stages of  its pending destruction. This leads one to recall the Hopi Prophecies that "a Blue Star will rock the earth to and fro.” The end-dates have changed over the centuries, but perhaps one can assume that this might refer now to December 21, 2012.  Surprisingly, there was an old comet confirmed by NASA that on May 8, 2006. It was then that a disintegrating blue comet had already passed by the Ring Nebula; (3)  [inferring it was once known as Tlaltecuhtli, the blue star]. It had no more power to hurt our world, just as the nebula had no more explosive qualities.
Comet Passing the Ring Nebula
A recent new bi-polar jet with a blue area at each pole, north and south can be seen swirling in the middle of another ring of stellar matter,** just as the Ring Nebula was once created. Without a double comet nearby, any debris expelled from this bi-polar jet should pass harmlessly into outer space. If a comet appears too close to this strange ring of stars with its bi-polar jet in its core, then NASA should be watching for it, unless the Hubble is now too distant from the Ring Nebula. None seem to be forming in the heavens at this time; which is a good thing.

    Just to cover all bases, a little under two years ago, on February 19, 2008*** another comet came very close to our northwestern states and southern Canada. The report from those who saw the event early in the morning,was that it seemed like a humongous flash of an explosion over Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and southern Canada. Was this the trajectory of the original returning May 8tth comet. . .and the very same as the one described in the Popol Vuh  for the "birth of the Sun"? The one that came too close to the earth in its last orbit in the story, and had come pretty darn close recently on February 19th? The Maya astronomers did not have television news coverage or cell phones that could take pictures, but they did have eyes that could see and memories that could tell the story in a form that surviving native populations could remember as long as the story would be told. 

     They also recorded the difference between the first two passes of the original comet and the third on the stelae of Izapa: Numbers  22 and 67. Both of these glyphs, for that is what they indicate, even now, show the same boat. One is a side view and the other a full frontal and also the before and after view of our world with its new 23.5 degree tilt. Both boats contain the same entity with one tooth. Stela 22 has the turmoil in the sky, with the Milky Way underneath, but not as a separate sky element. (No wave action scrolls underneath the water, indicates that the Milky Way was in a different position at the time of the disaster.) 

     On the other hand, Stela 67 shows the rainbow that came after the disaster, together with the Milky Way wand its upside down wave action. This upside down view, is indicative of its new sky presence attributed to the sky god elephant seals, that control the new waters in the sky. The iconography of the elephant seals contain the crossed sky bands as proof of their new job titles.

    Conclusion: We need to stop ignoring our own surroundings. December 21 can well be the beginning of the end of our own destruction, but not from the stars. Our own mistakes are beginning to affect the whole of or lives. Look around!
1  Quist, Linda (1996)  The Maya Glypher’s Companion: Maya- English; Phrases, People, and Places; Codex and Site References; Thompson Numbers. Revised. in the Chapter titled Cross-Referenced Names, "Bolon Yokte'" page 4, and page 3 Baklel Wai [Bird-Flower] in the  top left column.

2 Stuart, David (2011, 315)  The Order of Days, The Maya World and the Truth About 2012, New York; Harmony Books. 
Houston, Stephen D., and David Stuart  (1996)  Of Gods, Glyphs and Kings: Divinity and Rulership Among the Classic Maya, In Antiquity 70; 289-312.

3  NASA: A blue disintegrating comet identified as 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 passing the Ring Nebila (M-47) on 8 May, 2006. (Urquidi, D. M. 2011, 189.)

*  Tedlock, Dennis (1996) Popol Vuh: The Definitive Edition of the Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life and the Glories of Gods and Kings. New York: Simon and Schuster.

** 10.21.42 AM.MOV

*** The Associated Press UPDATED: 5:18 pm PST February 19, 2008 POSTED: 6:56 am PST February 19, 200. Since the story by the Associated Press "Meteor Seen Across Pacific Northwest " was contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. [Nevertheless, there is no stopping anyone from looking it up on the web again.]

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The "Fire Drill" Lady in the Madrid Codex

The three star "face" is located din M-38B2 and M-38-C1,2
This view maybe metroites falling from that Laddy-Star
Madrid Codex: M-38-A, M-38-B and M-38-C 
     This page from the Madrid Codex has four variations of a glyph that appears to be a lady with a net headdress that indicates darkness, or night time. The very end of her “veil” contains a blazing star. 

     The eyes of this entity are not eyes, but three dots placed as a triangle in the center of the net drapery.[B-2, C-1-2 ]Could these three dots indicate the location of that extra-blazing star at the end of the net?
     The figures underneath both M-38-B and 38-C indicate that two gods are creating fire with a fire-drill. One of the night and one of the day, or if one prefers, one of the dark underworld, and one of daylight.

     If they are fire gods, there is no need to say that the lady (inferred) is a Fire Drill. Nor would she be an "oven."

     Yet, somewhere, a student or new PhD decided that the veiled lady represented more than one sky fire as blazing stars;  a Cimi (Kimi death glyph); a couple Ahaws [Lords]; one with a rainbow glyph, and a Dragon Eye, are clearly referred to in the two lower panels. All indicate a star war event.

     A cooking pot is not implied, but may be inferred. The black and white figures at the bottom of each panel are from the world above the Equator [daytime] and one from below [night time]. In Richard Allen' book (1963:194-5),  Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning , wrote:
While Cygnus is interesting in many respects,it is especially so in  possessing an unusual number of deeply colored stars, Birmingham writing of this said: “A space of the heavens including the Milky Way, between Aquila, Lyra, and Cygnus, seems so peculiarly favored by red and orange stars that it might not inaptly be called the Red Region, or the Red Region of Cygnus.” (Biblio: John Birminham (1816-1882) Irish astronomer.)
     The red region from long ago, may indicate the "oven of the gods," from the Popol Vuh where Hunahpú and Xbalenqué, holding hands [they were not cowards in  Maya] died in that fire or "oven."  (Tedlock, D. (1996, 131) 

     One other thing that is necessary to note with the Veiled Lady, is that she does not have a human face. Instead she has only three dots, placed in such a way that it may infer the hearthstones of a Maya house (from which the above person doing the research got his "aha" revelation. What s/he should have remembered is the story told in the Birth of the Fifth Sun, when Nanahuatzin or Tecuiçiztecatl is to be sacrificed to create a warmer sun. Before the event of the god sacrificing himself in the "oven," the sun was considered to be a half-sun and not very hot.

    The intent of the gods discussing the problem was very simple, raise the sky so that the sun could shine more fully. But since that was a major upheaval; in the heavens, there had to be a major sacrifice. The tale then switches to the other version [Aztec is presumed] "raising of the sky" in the Phillips Jr., Henry (1883) History of the Mexicans as Told by Their Paintings [Translated and edited by Henry Phillips Jr. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society XXI:616-651, 1883. (edited for FAMSI by Alec Christensen)]. Tecuiçiztecatl was changed to Tezcatlipoca who had recognized that the sun was too dim [cold]. Because of this, he became the "warrior tree" and held up the sky [as Orion finally]. This is pretty obvious as the Milky Way [tree]. Nanahuatzin was probably changed into the Beautiful Rose tree and was to hold up the other end as the Milky Way.

     To make sure that the real Sun was included in this tale and that of the Codices, Nanahuatzin was said to have become the sun, since Tecuiçiztecatl was much too afraid to jump into "the oven of the gods." His original description was that he was scabby and unhealthy. He had a bad habit of peeling off the scabs of his illness and tossing them out. This is a very good example of our well-known "Sun Flares." [Read, Kaye Almere (1998). Time and Sacrifice in the Aztec Cosmos. Bloomington & Indianapolis, Indiana: Indiana University Press.]

    The Maya used every bit of information that our astronomers have today via huge Palomar-type telescopes, including that of a spinning bi-polar jet that can be found below on]; yet, they had no telescopes, so it has been said.

     A glyphic picture with proper iconography can be found in the Nuttall Codex at the bottom of page 34.
The Lady in this iconic figuration is Blood Moon, the mother-to-be of the Twins, Hunahpú and Xbalenqué. 
(Tedlock, D 1996, 73-74) Her name glyphs read Two Atl-atl,[Spear] and A star shape with many little stars surrounding it, with what appears to be a hand with a strange extension. Enlarged and turned 90°. it is a macaw with the star form at its neck. The star has the same components as the Bi-polar Jet seen in the film clip above. It also contains the blue area found in the film clip of the north and south poles of the star from where the long streams of gasses are coming. 
     As noted, the Bi-polar Jet was called a Toddler Star. The female here is already a grown woman, but she holds a spindle in her hand, a blue apron and two star forms in her headdress. The "spindle" is the key to her star status and form, that of the Bi-Polar Jet. However, since the star began to blaze a bright blue as a brilliant nova, with only the nebula area as red, poor Blood Moon had to lose her female status to become a MALE bird that was thereafter called Seven Macaw in the Popol Vuh. Why? 

     If the story teller of the Maya was in the process of telling the story, the listeners would complain because everyone knew that the female birds were more or less camouflaged since their job was to take care of their eggs. The male bird with his flashy colors could lead hunters away from the nest quickly; so the nest, the hen and the chicks would be safe. 

      Justin Kerr [of] photographed a vase called K-7912 that actually shows a 2-year old female child—a toddler—being judged by Hunahpú and Xbalenqué for the Sky God on the throne. She is being held by the Guardian of the Stars and it is he who will place her among the stars if she is approved by the future twins as a comet.

     Her Mixtec/Aztec name was Tlaltecuhtli and her description is carved on the Moon Disk discovered by those digging the new Metro station in Mexico City. INAH gave her another name, that of the star called  Coyolxauhqui, sister of Huitzilopochtl, who wanted to kill their mother, Coatlique because she believed her to be a "loose" woman. 

     In their book, a dictionary of the Maya Gods, Mary Miller and Karl Taube gave a perfect description of her death and her final journey with the Twins to her resting place on earth. In between time, the twins had removed the turquoise teeth of Seven Macaw and made the nova [Taltecuhtli] a benign star for all eternity until its final destruction in a black hole, or as part of another nova in the far distant future.