Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Lost Maya: Where were they then?

Recently PBS put on a program titled Quest for the Lost Maya.  It was an interesting discussion about cities buried under cities and caves, well known to the surrounding countryside, that contained evidence of many fire torches "for their sacred ceremonies." That would make perfect sense, except that the whole gist of the program was "Where did the Maya go; How could so many people just disappear in such a short time?" The date given was the years in the VIII century AD, i.e.700-799 AD.  Whole towns are now in the process of being uncovered, many of the lower levels are dated as far back as 500 BC; it has become a real mystery.

It would make more sense, if the history, of not only the Maya but all of Mesoamerica, were read more often. True, many events on the monuments are still not translated, even though ruler after ruler and their reigns have been, for years, well researched and confirmed. Archaeologists and anthropologist who are digging on amazing new sites in the Yucatan, scratch their heads and tell about sacrificial offerings, public displays of savage ceremonies, but, in the same breath, tell us that the astronomy of that era was well-documented.  (Savage ceremonies, but extensive and well-defined astronomy records? How strange.) They have also proposed that the Yucatan may have been the actual birthplace of the Maya; not Guatemala nor Honduras as originally believed.  Where could these people have gone?

Linda Schele was one of the first to publicize the decipherment of the glyphs on the Maya monuments and temple walls. She found both a star-war and a flood on one single glyph, dated it about 631 AD, the VII century, NOT the years between 700 ad 799 AD. On the other hand, Eric Wolf, on page 100 of his book, the Sons of the Shaking Earth, written before Linda's great work on the glyphs, informed even new students that it was in the VII century AD when the Copan Academy of Science, called a meeting to reform the calendar. In other words, there must have been a major event in that area, but not too far back in time. 

It  was one of the first books I read about Mesoamerica. In the meantime, I also dipped into ancient astronomy in different countries and discovered that both India and Babylon also thought it necessary to delve into calendar changes during the same period. There was nothing in the official histories that gave any good reason, but there were more than enough myths world-wide that indicated an extra five days had been added to each year.

 It is a bit silly to ask the same question as above at this point in time. Mostly because Astronomy has finally been decided that comets, not asteroids helped to create "life" on earth. Well, this is a true statement, but not for the reason given. It seems that the double comet that flew overhead, flew by not one time, but three times.
The first time it happened, the "ball" of the ball game in the sky ball court, spit out a knife to kill one of the "ball-player" Twins (one of the two of the double comet). It failed to do any damage at all.

The second time, the comet passed overhead in the sky along the same route, the disintegrating star was losing its gravity pull. So the double comet was pulled into its gravitational field, and released several times, making the "ball=game" an interesting sky spectacle as it appeared to imitate the ball-games on earth with the same sense of "conquer or die."  In the Maya ball-game, the head of Hunahpu, the Twin was severed in the Bat House.. The Aztec version said that the twin of Quetzalcoatl, Xolotl, fell into Xibalba in order to save the "Sun."  Later, an author who wrote about the Maya gods, wrote a completely different story about a sky entity, and called  the star: Tlaltecuhtli, who was torn apart in the sky; the severed parts of her body were then taken to earth.

The third orbit of the same double comet was the bringer of "life" and its deed was attributed to the re-birth of the Maize God. The Popol Vuh does not mention the Maize God at all, but it does make a strange reference to the position of a Sun that rose in the west, (yes, it did rise in the west) which took on "the appearance of a person" and "was so bright, one could not see." Even knowing very little about orbits and trajectories, it was not difficult to make the assumption that the "Sun" [comet] was much closer to earth than the first two times that the double comet circled the earth;  extremely close to the horizon.  So what happened to the comet [or to the earth] to create such a monster "sun"? (To be Continued)

[i] Wolf, (1959, 100).

Friday, March 30, 2012

Comets that Produced Life

The Popol Vuh is very explicit. Although it brushed upon details of the beginnings of life, the whole gist of the manuscripts tell that life was already created and living in houses [even in palaces], it people were working the milpas in an orderly manner, according to the rising and settings of the Sun and the night sky. It told in great detail what occurred to that life that was already at a sedentary agricultural "sustenance" stage.An ordered society with rules and laws of religious observance [that had been ignored by many] was already based upon extensive star observations and calendar calculations.

Recently there was an article that came to the conclusion that comets that fell to earth, brought the origins of life about "how life appeared so quickly at the end of a period 3.8 billion years ago called the 'late heavy bombardment.'" [Found on of life explained by John von Radowitz in the e-zine The Independent.]

At first the astro-field said that the long ago disaster of 65 mya was caused by an asteroid. Now, it is caused by comets that fell to earth or at least when their debris did. The problem with either conclusion is that there has never been another disaster as the one described in the Popol Vuh; the narrators of the PV existed both before and after the event so they were able to tell the world exactly what had occurred from the time the nova first appeared to expand in the sky until its final explosive destruction that ended with the BIRTH of the Fifth Sun. 

No one knows for sure the length of time that was necessary, since the calendars of Mesoamerica have been recalculated by many scholars who are attempting to fit that ancient timeline into our modern sky events. They have added the more complex math of Modern Calculus aided by computerize backtracking over the eons. The backtracking has been called "precession" that  is supposed to be an approximate .05 per year change in the zodiac, as it is known today. The few accepted ancient calculations which have been identified, are not yet understood as idiomatic phrases nor is it understood why that aspect is even important.  

The Popol Vuh has been ignored also, as only a myth. Yet it contains the whole story, one that has yet to be SEEN in its entirety by our astronomers who have not yet acquired the depth of information about the stars that the Maya, Aztecs and Inca had before the Conquest.

As it is, we seem to be having another precession in progress. . . since Daylight Savings has been moved by at least two weeks earlier (one each year) if not more.  The climate is also changing, 
What will happen this year is yet to be seen.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Birth of the Twin Comets

The more one knows about the twin comets of the Popol Vuh, the more magical they become. And the less realistic. They became the TWINS who went to Xibalba to play ball with the gods of the underworld. Was it the Underworld, or was it the world UNDER the Equator,  where, in Mesoamerica, it was known as the place where the stars are viewed in an upside-down position (As in the Bodley Codex, p. 26, r1 where Three Dog began his journey away from home. [Illustrated by the upside down star-viewing cross=sticks under his path.]

Was Three Dog a person learning triangulation of stars at "Observation Hill on the Sandy River," or was he a comet [illustrated by the half sun on his back just below [in R-2] called the venus glyph.] What we really want to know is where did the Twin comets come from.  The Popol Vuh is very explicit. The father played the game first in Xibalba and died. However, instead of disappearing as as dead entities usually do, his "head" was removed and it was hung in a tree in the sky.

NASA identified NGC7000 as another nebula. This nebula has the appearance of a head covered in cinnabar (thanks to the spectroscopic evaluation of NASA) and it has an "open" mouth. The Twins of the PV are said to have been spat out of the mouth of the father's skull into the hand of Blood Moon.

What better illusion for such an event than a nebula that was seen in the sky near Deneb of the Summer Triangle when the twin comets from the "Hand of God" nebula sped through the mouth of NGC7000 and whizzed past the nova that was as red and as large as the shining moon-like star next to Vega, "the Old Fire God," in the constellation Lyra.

Are we off-track? I don't think so. Just as "all roads lead to Rome," so too do all ancient astronomy events lead to a double comet, one, soaring over the earth, with a tail full of debris from the disintegrating nova, until it finally fell to into the ocean/sea/well/river or on top of homes and forests.
Just as it was in the earlier post:

The fourth and last: Flood:  A water-filled gourd broke on the top of a mountain.  Its 
                                        contents "rushed down from the hill-top over  the valleys 
                                        fields At first, it was like a little lake, then like a river, 
                                        then it became a great sea that engulfed the land ;I the red 
                                        man with all its cities and all its marvels." It was here that 
                                        a man of clay "that the water could dissolve" died.

All disciplines were involved, geography, cartography with its upside-down maps and crude symbolic descriptions, mathematics, calendars of various ancient cultures, architectural orientations, monuments with inscriptions, ancient archaeology and manuscriptsgeology, oceanography, seismology, ancient astronomy records and their strange conflicting descriptions, but more importantly all myths found in religious texts that include a sudden surge of water and/or the dropping of great stones into water together, with the addition of five extra day to the year. Some disciplines have all the components, but usually most only contain a few of the elements necessary to complete the story of the greatest catastrophic event in the world

Orion's Belt or the Summer Triangle (Continued)

From NASA's Chandra Observatory: "The Hand of God”
In the constellation "The Compass” as  PSR B 1509-58
The difference between the two legs of the Milky Way (which may be only one leg turned upside-down) has been a thorn in the side of the church for a long time.  The problem is and always has been: Where did these acts of the Creator come from: Orion and his belt of three stars or from the Beautiful Rose Tree as the Summer Triangle, another set of three hearthstone stars that suddenly rose into the sky when the burning rains destroyed the homes of the Maya? How can so many stars as those in the Milky Way rise so quickly?

We do know where  Hubble found the "Hand of God." This recent nebula find has been so-named by NASA since it does look like a hand.   It is the nebula called PSR B 1509-58 in the constellation near the South Pole called The Compass." However, a "hand" in the Middle East can mean a "phallus" creator, once named Kronos of Greek Lore.

What… not the Middle East?  In a very round-about way, Yes, it is from the Middle East, or more accurately, from Egyptian god forms as they crossed the Mediterranean Sea to Greece, as Osiris whose main symbol is a phallic "bone." an idiom of strength [a bone, or god elememt, that never existed].

So, did the "Hand of God" have anything to do with the re-creation of the earth?

A Persian monument [found in Rome possibly], that of Mithras killing the bull, one of three versions illustrated in the book of G. Sesti, (1991) called The Glorious Constellations, History and Mythology.  One panel contains the image of that nebula that NASA called the "Hand of God," as meteorites sped away from it. The correct panel of the three illustrated by G. Sesti is shown by the position of the "Twins" on the left side. They are holding their torches correctly, one is held up and the other is facing downwards. The animal with the “ear” is not a Bull nor is it Taurus. It is only an imaginary animal with a “forked tail."

Behind the nose of that bull being "sacrificed" by Mithras, under a tree, leans a telescope of the ancient variety, a thin shaft of metal with two or more lens inside of it. It looks more like the first known gun, illustrated in  L. Spague de Camp's book, Ancient Engineers.  A gun that had to be jammed into the earth and leaned on a "Y" stick. It was only effective as a sudden blast of fire to frighten horses and extremely dangerous for the "gunner" himself. 

The telescope in the Mithras panel leans on the same type of "Y" stick, but it is not a primitive gun, it is a telescope, before Europeans learned how to make their own. Was the “Y” tail of the animal indicating that it too was mythological, but not Taurus. Was the panel created during the emergence of spear-like guns?

So there is the tale that Mithras, born of a stone egg, as were many main gods of the Americas, came from the sky as a flaming meteorite, [the "torch" held upside-down,] just as the Aztec, Huitzilopochtli, the Hummingbird of the South and  Psammitichus as the Peruvian Great Creator, Viracocha, This title,  vira cocha which means "have given you a soul"  [de la Vega, Gracilasco. (1961)  The Incas:  The Royal Commentaries of the Inca] is very similar to a Hawaiian concept found in  Chant Eight: line 595-96  "The spirit of the child was created by URI, the Holy Mother;" its soul was created" in the Spiritual Country of God [T[K]ane]." [Melville, Leinani (1969) Children of the Rainbow. 

A Hawaiian word pili-lua happens to be the name of a pair of stars said to bring "opelu.'  [ meaning 'a spade or digging implement';  lu meaning 'to scatter or to throw ashes.'  [Hawaiian Dicitonary (1986)It appears to refer to "the star of the Old Fire God" [He who has a triangle for his gut] and "the blazng star of fire" in the bowl tied to his forehead.] Meteorites tend to "dig" great holes in the earth with ease, and "fire" creates "burning ashes" that sting just as hornets, wasps or bees do. 

So between several cultures along the path of the Great Migration, there is a series of idioms that apply to the stars indirectly, yet, all seems to infer the same elements from the sky above.  None refer to the mythic Elliptic or Galactic "crossroads of the sky," but to a very visible  star, as it was disintegrating, \ within the path or trajectory of  twin comets. (To Be Continued)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Three Days, Three Stars: Orion's Belt or the Summer Triangle


         In all books mentioned, there were four disasters [p. 32]   that "punished the Mayab."

The first was by Air:           Hurricanes that swept across the land, since hurricanes
                                         are now a major part of the Mesoamerican world, one
                                         could also say Tornadoes in other parts of the lands involved.

The second was by Fire:     The Popol Vuh tell that there was a burning rain, one said it
                                         it was a resin from the sky, another said it was burning
                                         turpentine.  There was also a third version: that of the stinging
                                         of wasps, hornets, and bees that destroyed the tribes of the
                                         wooden manikins, mentioned as much later out of context.

The third was by Quakes:   Earthquakes  raised the mountains from the flat plains and split them
                                        apart. Huemac of the Strong Hands was called in to do this job in 
                                        Codices, but the Popol Vuh claimed only a strong entity named,
                                        Earthquake with no adventure to describe his job, only his death. 

The fourth and last: Flood:  A water-filled gourd broke on the top of a mountain.  Its 
                                        contents "rushed down from the hill-top over  the valleys 
                                        and the fields At first, it was like a little lake, then like a river, 
                                        then it became a great sea that engulfed the land of the red 
                                        man with all its cities and all its marvels." It was here that 
                                        a man of clay "that the water could dissolve" died.

The Maya left out an event or two under the assumption that it would be perfectly obvious what would have occurred between two events. And what the Maya assumed was perfectly obvious was described backwards since water only runs down the mountains, never above or over them. (To be continued)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Wednesday: Confirmation of a migration.

Was there ever a confirmation of a migration from American shores, either from North or South America? Or is such evidence, just a curious similarity among various locations that have been vacated suddenly for some unknown and inexplicable reason?  Were those locations begun in ancient times, or were they fairly new before the populations disappeared?

The sudden XII century migrations away from thriving communities was not the Great Migration. However, it is based upon a rule of the Turks, Muslims and Arab communities who were being attacked in their own countries. For a specific sum of income created in the foreign communities, one man had to be sent to war on the continent. So much money was being made in the Americas that it became obvious there were not enough men to send. Whole communities in many parts of the Americas had to be closed down so that men could comply with the conscription rules of their besieged governments.

Yet the original concept of the Great Migration out of the Maya area is not only found in a small book written by the man who translated "The Book of the Chilan Balan [sic] of Chumayel," but it is also found in the "Popol Vuh."  Antonio Mediz Bolio's translation of the Chilan Balan proved him to be one of the greatest Maya scholars of today.  His subsequent book "The Land of the  Pheasant and the Deer" written in 1983 "in Spanish, was acclaimed by many, as his greatest work." Neither book was done in the normal scholarly fashion, instead, he ignored poetic license and the duplication of phrases, normally displayed by other scholars.

His books were written as common tales, just as a Maya would tell the story. On page 34, "the Maya world was chastised by God who sent a great flood across the land." Page 35 tells that the survivors "fled to new lands or to other worlds." To say "other worlds" did not mean leaving the Earth for Outer Space. They took ordinary ships to the far reaches of the civilized world, distant from their homes, "Up and down the earth, they wandered," only to return to the Mayeb lands again where they "found there, their brothers."

This, is just another way of saying they crossed the Eurasian continent only to find the Atlantic was barring their way. And when they decided they could cross that ocean that barred their way, they "found…their bothers." The banner for such a discovery was a double-headed eagle. Such migratory kingdoms adopted that banner. All knew that it came from the double comet that caused the migration in the beginning.  There are many other myths and artifacts that confirm the passage of humans across the oceans. They are not exact replicas of their origin. The artifacts and idiomatic phrases found in manuscripts were re-designed to fit the idioms of the lands through which the Great Migration traveled.  If this had not been done, no one would have understood the stories the travelers told during the evenings. (To be Continued)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tuesday: The Track gets more complex.

From: Nicholson, I. (None). Mexican and Central American Mythology. 
New York: Paul Hamlyn. p. 30.

The Great Migration westward disappeared in history because "there was no knowledge of the New World before Columbus discovered it." The interesting thing about it all is that there are multiple records about this migration westward, some in Traditional Lore, some in Mythic Tales of impossible feats of heroes in different lands, and a very similar appearances of "Granddaughters of the Sun" in various government takeovers on the Eurasian and African continents.

Recently, there has been a renewal of comparisons between pyramids in the New World and those in the "Old." But that is getting ahead of the process of tracking this research project.
Dropping out of the Aztec/Maya world (I thought) for almost twenty years, I explored Latin and Greeks texts. I took a seminar course with one Greek professor, who seemed to understand my research style, and he insisted that I take Arabic Philosophy as a companion course to what he offered and he would grade me, based on the Philosophy course. I insisted on doing small research projects through his course also.

What happened, was I received two grades for the two classes and was pleased about that. The Philosophy course led me to investigate other languages, one of which consisted of ancient Chinese characters. The more important aspect of Philosophy led to the stars which actually referred to one or more Chinese characters, thus not very important in the main research project. However, the Chinese investigation did turn up information about the Muslims in China during the VIII century AD and produced two monuments of Xian that contained an apology on the back of each that referred to a star disaster that necessitated living in caves. This also, was filed away in my notes with no apparent connection to anywhere except the stars from an unknown time and an unknown event.

(To be Continued)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monday: Back on Track

An effort to get back on track.
Previous posts were tidbits from the trail that I used from 1975 to now to acquire the unexpected information I found recently in the Popol Vuh, that of an astronomical event in the VII century AD. All the official records are skewed in favor of either 

           ""Mythic"" or 

          ""NO Way could the Maya have created, in such an awesome detail, all the 
           components of a star event. They were great primitive astronomers, but they 
           could never compete with modern astronomy."" 


Of course, it is sheer nonsense to think that all men in the Americas were  so primitive that they could never have understood anything we know today as astronomy. 

The first thing I learned was that von Daniken's book (and the later 1973-4 film), Chariot of the Gods, was misplaced information with no common sense used to put the pieces together.  It favored aliens from outer space, so we believed this and persisted to became the first to walk on the moon and boy,  we were the greatest in Space. We sent up over 90 shuttles so far and thought we really were getting somewhere. . . . except that the Universe was much more expansive than originally believed.

My next step was a  research project that produced a 140 page document which attempted to tie together all those "similar" tales in various parts of the world. What surprised me, even at that raw stage of research, was that there had been a huge migration toward the west, from the Isla de las Cedras that began on the west coast of the Americas after the disastrous star event. People wanted to get out the land that betrayed their faith in the permanence and stability of the mountains.  However, many survivors decided to remain and reconstructed their lives as well as they could.  (To be continued)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Saturday - Sunday's Query

     Anyone who knows the Christian version of the Day of the Dead (other than suicides or non-Christian burials) in Tepoztlan, or other locales in Mexico, Leave a comment know so I can forward it to the the one asking about it.

     As for me, after I climbed ladder up the ridge to the observation area, I thought it was the greatest warning system in the world for sighting any invading army below on the extensive plains below.  Thus, the Dia de los Matados should have been when the mountain observatory post was conquered by "Water Dog" or Ahuitzotl.

     It was almost impregnable, anyone has a picture of the Wall of Atetelco in Teotihuacan you can see the History "Blurb cartoon" with Ahuitzotli's portrait on the wall below the Spider Lady of the Owl Mask.

     If one has ever climbed that ridge you would also understand why it was called the Dia de los Matados. . . . not suicides or non-Christian burials, but a real battle and a real defeat of warriors attempting to defend their lands by warning their own of danger from the ridge observation post.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday's Child

Have been told that there is no information on the Italian map of  Texcoco created in 1523. The name of  the cartographer is M. Plinius.  Where can I find any information about it?  Thise tarea is getting curiouser and curiouser.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

B: Wednesday: Trials and Tribulations

Anything is possible if one tries hard enough, but the thing is one has to know: what one is trying to accomplish, like translating a monument or a story-line.  A monument is a short form of honorable mention, the right for a ruler to rule, glowing terms that go nowhere; while a story-line gives a lot more information about the ruler himself or about an event that caused the old ruler to die, allowing a new one to begin his own rulership. Without the story-line, one cannot hope to translate events that are completely unknown to the translators. Myth, cultural lore, or tradition retain parts of the story, but not all of it. Memories retain good, or bad, but never the whole history of an era.  Too many different versions appear; one may be of the merchant colony; another may be about a princeling that never made it to the throne, but was it the story of the king or a tale for children that happened to survive the test of time.

A: Fussy Tuesday

     Have been quiet long enough. I discovered  that just because someone got a proper title, but hasn't used their right to explore  old concepts or new concepts, it doesn't give them a right to dis anyone who prefers to take the time in order to understand and explore the world of ancient astronomy away from those who are supposed to judge right or wrong.  I think Mark Twain was correct, that a jury of peers, just leads to no solution nor any satisfaction of real accomplishment. It seems to be the "same old," "same old" every time. 

    At times, a new word or phrase is included with a modern explanation that will give an old translation a new twist, or a more modern approach, but completely ignoring the fact that the original concept was never properly defined to begin with.

     It is time the Elders of the Tribes or other cultural backgrounds are listened to - those whose wisdom came from those stars that Hubble is in the process of discovering in the wrong places. but  are those stars in the wrong places? Is it an assumption, or is it a lack that indicates more information is needed?